Simonono wrote:
Basically, I am the Scrooge of summertime. I hate summer, I hate the sun, it burns, it's too hot, it's too bright etc. I don't know why, I just absolutely love it when it's cold and it rains, and when it snows is the very best. Everyone else gets really excited about the sun coming out, but I have absolutely no idea why.
I think "oh god, I'm going to be pressured by my mum to go out because it is a "lovely day". Also no one will believe me that I don't like it. Sorry to sound like an emo or something, I just cannot stand that it will probably be hot for ages, and I cannot wait until it is winter so I can secretly cheer about the coldness and rain.
People will look up and shout "Isn't this weather lovely?" And I will look down and whisper "No."
I had that problem today, burning hot sun making my skin sweat. I missed the coolness of winter and early spring terribly, so did my dog, which has black fur and absorbs more heat from the sun.
I jog about four miles every other day and it's a lot easier when it's cool and cloudy outside. There's hardly any shade along jogging paths here, which is strange since this is one of the hottest places during summer. While I was exercising outside today, I kept wondering why there aren't more trees. Do people really like jogging in the sunshine and heat more? It's not something I can get into.
It's going to cool down for a few days, but this will probably be it until September. Better enjoy it while it lasts.