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21 Apr 2011, 9:45 pm

I like the summer better. I thrive on warmth and sunshine.

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22 Apr 2011, 12:41 pm

bdubs wrote:
I think it depends a lot on where you grew up. I lived in the sunshine state (Florida) my whole life then went to college in midwest to get away. All I can say is the it was a great learning experience. I never want to live in a cold and cloudy place again!

I don't blame you. I'm 37, from Ohio, my parents just returned from Florida. I told them I'm beginning to understand why they, and so many others, go to Florida during the winter. I don't have kids and I don't get out of snow what a kid would, it's just miserable and dreary,

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22 Apr 2011, 3:51 pm

I like all weather. Especially stormy winds, which put me in a trance when I feel them blowing against my face.

Sunshine is very painful on my eyes though, so I have to wear sunglasses, or walk around staring at my feet wishing it was typical Welsh weather (rain).


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23 Apr 2011, 1:10 am

Yes, I much prefer cold weather, and if it's cloudy, all the better...

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23 Apr 2011, 1:52 am

Simonono wrote:
Basically, I am the Scrooge of summertime. I hate summer, I hate the sun, it burns, it's too hot, it's too bright etc. I don't know why, I just absolutely love it when it's cold and it rains, and when it snows is the very best. Everyone else gets really excited about the sun coming out, but I have absolutely no idea why.

I think "oh god, I'm going to be pressured by my mum to go out because it is a "lovely day". Also no one will believe me that I don't like it. Sorry to sound like an emo or something, I just cannot stand that it will probably be hot for ages, and I cannot wait until it is winter so I can secretly cheer about the coldness and rain.

People will look up and shout "Isn't this weather lovely?" And I will look down and whisper "No."

I had that problem today, burning hot sun making my skin sweat. I missed the coolness of winter and early spring terribly, so did my dog, which has black fur and absorbs more heat from the sun.
I jog about four miles every other day and it's a lot easier when it's cool and cloudy outside. There's hardly any shade along jogging paths here, which is strange since this is one of the hottest places during summer. While I was exercising outside today, I kept wondering why there aren't more trees. Do people really like jogging in the sunshine and heat more? It's not something I can get into.
It's going to cool down for a few days, but this will probably be it until September. Better enjoy it while it lasts.


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23 Apr 2011, 2:19 am

I prefer if it's just right, in the 60's or 70's. If it gets too cool out, heat has to come on and that means higher electric bill because of our baby. But I don't even have it in the comfort zone because that's too warm. I keep it below the comfort zone and my husband still freezes while I am fine. I have no clothes on and am fine.

I cannot stand hot weather because I hate the heat and I go naked in the summer when it's too hot out and I use fans, even when it's in the 70's because heat rises and our apartment is roasting and even open windows doesn't cool it down so we use fans, no AC. I also cannot stand to walk out in the heat so my walks are in the morning or in the evening when it's cooled down because the sun went down. I also don't like the feeling of the sweat forming inside my skin and it's about to come out. Only time I ever like hot weather is if I am going for a swim.

When it's too cold out, my skin starts to itch when I am outside and it's all red. Plus my hands get cold pretty fast too. So I like it just right. Not too hot and not too cold.


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23 Apr 2011, 2:24 am

No. It's autumn and I'm already wearing two jackets and warming up with nice hot teas. This is crazy. I don't think I'll make it through the winter.

Really hot days are really horrible too. The air is hot and dry and you sweat within only a few minutes of being outside.

25 is my ideal temperature. Celsius of course.

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23 Apr 2011, 2:40 am

I like fans, too, when it's humid, especially. Summer would be unbearable without them. I haven't turned on my AC yet this spring, and am putting it off as long as possible. I am attempting to acclimate by using as little heat and air conditioning as I can without freezing or having a heat stroke. The only heat in my house this winter came from space heaters. At first, I was a little uncomfortable, but got used to it. Wearing long sleeves helped tremendously. I did alright until daytime highs were zero to five degrees, which happened a couple of times, lasting a few days. It amazed me how warm fifteen or twenty degrees felt after the cold snap. I actually felt warm at a temperature I would feel nearly frozen in when I used wall heaters fueled by natural gas. When the temperature hit thirty two, it felt downright balmy. By the time winter ended, I felt more acclimated than I ever have. When it began to warm up gradually, I didn't have the need to unwrap the AC and turn it on (usually it's on by mid March or early April.)
Instead, I rely on my fan to provide a breeze, and open windows. When the weather stabilizes and stays warm throughout the day and night, I might need to turn the AC on, but as long as there are periods of coolness followed by ones of warmth, I will tough it out.

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23 Apr 2011, 3:20 am

I live in Iowa, where we definitely have four seasons. By far, winter is my favorite. It always has been.

Summer's okay for me, but I hate spring. I always get depressed when I see the snow melt and everything's a big muddy mess and nothing's green yet. Yuck.

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23 Apr 2011, 3:29 am

Love summer, hate winter.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Apr 2011, 4:31 am

Can't stand 'nice' weather. I don't see anything appealing about sweating.


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23 Apr 2011, 4:39 am

I don't have a particulary problem with either, as such, it exstreams I don't like. I just can't seem to cope if its very hot or very cold.

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28 Jan 2012, 1:44 pm

I definitely hate heat. I don't even put a coat unless it is hailing or heavily raining.


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28 Jan 2012, 2:06 pm

Yes, I prefer cold weather. I really hate hot weather. The heat literally makes me feel sick (dizzy, nauseous, completely out of energy, sleepy), the sunlight tortures my eyes and I hate feeling the sweat on my skin. Summer weather may be beautiful sometimes (sure, things look very nice in the sun), but it's really uncomfortable for me.

I too hate being constantly pressured to go out to the "lovely weather" or told off for wasting such a beautiful day indoors. "Go outside, it will do you good." Really? :roll: Why do so many people assume that everyone else loves the summer weather as much as they do? Why can't I just be inside in peace if that's what I want?

In summer, I try to stay indoors on hot, sunny days and if I must go outside I stay in the shade, wear dark sunglasses and still don't feel good at all. On rainy summer days I go outside to enjoy the rain and the fresh, cool air and people act like I'm nuts and try to talk me out of it. Pfff, annoying.


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28 Jan 2012, 2:14 pm

I like cold, dry weather, preferrably with snow. Here in the Northeastern U.S, we had an unseasonably mild winter with very little percipitation falling as snow. I understand the same is not true for our friends in the Southwestern and Northwestern U.S.

Despite liking the cold, I also like having four seasons. Mediterranean climates are nice to visit, but it must be boring having the same weather every day. I could never live somewhere in England, where the weather always seems to be cool, damp and rainy (six months was plenty long for me!).


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28 Jan 2012, 2:39 pm

I live in Greater London, UK, and I like the February weather. I prefer 3-10C as an outside air temperature and I never let my ambient room temperature go above 19C, otherwise I start getting too hot.

I don't understand how people can find 28C+ weather nice, and that they go out of their way to go on holidays with temperatures like that. I like going to cold places for holidays.

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