I'm 17, so I still live at home. I have until September 2012 and then I guess I'm going to uni, which I'd rather not think about.
Speaking in Aspie terms, yes, I am completely independent. I can feed myself etc, I would be the last person you'd send to a care home, in that sense, I'm fine. Independent in the other sense- people always describe me as independent ("you always want to do things by yourself, I've noticed that..."...yas, like you're the first to have done that!), but I'm pretty reliant on my parents for things like kind words, emotional support, to keep loneliness in check. Recently I felt a big step back in affection from them because a/ they've stopped nagging me about school, b/ they've stopped nagging me about music, c/ it feels like my father (who's usually so careful with my feelings) just attacked me about not being smart and stuff, and because I still sort of resent them not knowing about all the stuff that was going on in school and how much I dreaded schooltime and how they didn't make the effort to find out (it's irrational) when they used to be so involved in my life. I'm not really ready to be properly independent
sort of like, I'll do my own thing as long as I've got stuff to bat away.
My mum was talking about me going to work under my uncle in Paris for some time for work experience, and then she checked herself and said, "wait, what! how could she stay in an apartment on her own, she can't wash herself, feed herself, talk to people..."...didn't jolt my self confidence or anything. I know how much to eat and how not to stink and work experience in a factory somewhere wouldn't need too much talking. I sort of have a history of eating very little and throwing away food. My parents will wake me up in the evening to ask me if I've eaten dinner, on the days they let me eat alone. My dad goes crazy if he finds out I haven't brushed my teeth. Okay, maybe all evidence of the overprotectiveness is not quite gone yet!