Heh heh. I am sitting cross legged on the floor, leaning forward on my elbows, rocking forward and back while reading this... Yeah, I rock a lot. My step son sometimes teases that he is going to video tape me and put me on youtube for it. Heh heh heh.
I do not head bang though. I am a face tapper though. I tap my mouth, the sides of my head like by my temples, that divot thing under my nose... I used to bang my head into tables and walls when I was little and all stressed out though. I do not do that anymore, but a few years ago I had a major meltdown and went all fight club on myself. I laugh about it now, but I really beat the hell out of myself. I had bruises and everything... not so good. Anyway, I have not done anything like that since then.
"...don't ask me why it's just the nature of my groove..."