I like Lego and I still make things out of it occasionally. It's fun.
I didn't have much Lego of my own when I was a kid. My older brother had a lot of it, but he kept it all to himself and even when he grew bored of it and stopped using it, he still kept some of the things he had built from it. I took the remaining pieces that he hadn't used and used them myself for many years, long after everyone else I knew had stopped playing with stuff like that. I still have those old pieces of Lego and a couple of years ago, when I was 27, I bought a large box of Lego blocks for myself so that I could make something more out of it than with the old scraps I had been using for years. I have mostly ordinary blocks though, not kits or the more technical stuff. Those are crazy expensive here, so I haven't bought any such kits yet. I mostly like to design and build houses and things like that anyway.
kx250rider wrote:
I know this probably sounds goofy, but I had more fun putting the pieces all back perfectly in the box and compartments, than actually building stuff with them
I always put the pieces back in the box perfectly too. I sort them by color, size and shape and put them in a particular order into the box. I don't do this just for the fun of it though. I prefer to keep things really organized and know where everything is, so that when I open a box of Lego and start building from it I can find the pieces I need quickly. There's also just something so soothing about organizing things and keeping them in a specific order.
RainingRoses wrote:
I finally came up with a pretty cool design for a little race car -- and I proceeded to build that same exact car, take it apart, build it again, take it apart, build it again FOR YEARS!
I did that too. I made the exact same houses very often and I made many very similar ones too, and I still do this, although I know make some new stuff in between too, now that I have more blocks to work with.
I also did this when drawing. I'd draw the exact same picture again and again for years.