Kon wrote:
syrella wrote:
It's been quite true for me and it's probably why I did well in organic chemistry and languages in general. I struggled a lot more with biology, though, which wasn't memorization, but more "deeper concept" stuff. Bleh. Haha.
That's funny you mention organic chemistry. I took the course eons ago and it was a full year pre-med course that was considered one of the tougher courses because of the volume required. The average in the class was always in the low to mid 50s in my university. There were over 800 students in my class. I remember writing the exam and finishing an hour long exam in 10 minutes. I was a total ret*d in the lab so the people in my lab section thought I failed. I got 100% and there were only 2 other people out of 800+ students or so who got that score. I was also exceptional in multiple choice exams. I never took any arts or language courses. I took English and one business course. They were my lowest marks I ever got.
I'm not sure about biology not being rote memorization. I found it was. I found physiology/biochemistry/pharmacology/medicinal chemistry also involved mostly rote memorization. All had mostly multiple choice exams. Now that I think about it, most of the university courses I took involved rote memorization except for some math/physics and arts/humanities courses. I avoided essay exam courses like the plague.
That's great that you also did well in organic chemistry. I found I really enjoyed it.

I don't think I can boast a 100%, since the tests here aren't designed like that, but I did get mostly A's when I actually bothered to study.
As for biology, it's more the way that the course is taught here, not the subject matter. They make them the questions into puzzles.. which, would be fine, and I like puzzles... but it doesn't really test my true understanding of the material. All it says is whether or not I could figure out which solution the professor was looking for. I dunno what it was, but I found it to be very hard.
Were it strictly memorization, I probably would've done well. Biology lab was much closer to that, and I did extremely well. Memorizing anatomy is a strong point... and I think it should be considering I'd like to be a doctor at some point.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.