jrjones9933 wrote:
Sociopaths have a short-term advantage, compassion and concern for fairness win in the long run. The Arab Spring took a long time in coming, and will probably still see some backsliding, but they've moved the battle lines in the right direction. I've just been reminded of some of the awful things civil rights leaders said about women's rights, despite that they'd never have made the progress they did without the women involved.
I just can't imagine living life as a sociopath. Sure, you might get some things you wanted if you could take advantage of other people without worrying about having a conscience about it; but it'd be a horribly empty kind of life. You'd be forever chasing after the next bit of pleasure, just running out the clock on your life without ever leaving anything behind or building a better world for anybody else. There'd be no purpose to it, no goal, just marking the time until your funeral. Compared to having a
meaningful life, pleasure is worthless.
Hmmm.........personally I think that enlightened selfishness is as altruistic as it usually gets for humans. I can't easily inagine not caring about others, but it might be a different matter if I were absolutely sure that there'd be no comeback for disregarding them. Though I'm one of those unfortunates who was brought up with too much conscience, so unbridled hedonism always does look like a step up from just making sure I don't upset anybody. Problem is that I can't imagine what it would be like not to need friends, and I can't have friends unless I care about them, at least not friends in the sense that I mean. Cronies yes, friends no.