My fine motor skills are excellent: can touch-type at tremendous speed, am self-taught at playing piano, pretty damn brilliant at sewing/crochet etc etc (no I don't do false modesty). As for gross motor: great at tap-dancing, ice-skating, swimming... but you wouldn't want me on your team for any team sport, I have never mastered the rules, and will politely give way to any player who seems more anxious to gain control of the ball than I am.
My only real difficulty is uneven surfaces. I will stride out happily for miles if it's flat underfoot, but tend to lose control of my body if it's bumpy underfoot - it's a challenge to stay upright without something to grab hold of, or a stick to lean on.
I've never thought of this as related to being on the AS, but rather as just 'the way I'm built', but I'm open to persuasion.