CorseTheCarGuy wrote:
mori_pastel wrote:
OJani wrote:
joestenr wrote:
Best method i have found is espresso, and lots of it. Its been getting me out of bed for 17 years so far.
Though on the research end u may also want to look into the reseach on sleep cycles. In short there is a roughly once every 45 min or so window where it is easier to wake up. If u could set ur alarm to fall in ur window as it were it should be a bit easier to wake up.
This makes me think of one of my whims a little differently than before. I don't use an "alarm" clock to wake me up (I hate all forms of it, and I don't like when somebody wakes me up either). Instead, I glance at the digital clock from time to time in the morning (I don't totally wake up at those times), and I try to
synchronize my sleeping "windows" so that I will be awake around the proposed time. This is a much much less stressful way of waking up than anything else I know.
Wow. I'm amazed that you can manage that! I couldn't just wake up like that on my own. But I share your hatred of being woken up by humans or machines. I hate hate hate the stereotypical alarm clock sound. I don't mean I just don't like it very much because I'm not a morning person, I mean if I hear that sound on TV or something in the middle of the day it makes me cringe. Being woken up at all tends to give me a headache, but without an alarm clock or something I'd just sleep to two or three so I suck it up and deal.
Lol I hear you on the stereotypical alarm clock. I find this sound.... sound legitimately makes me upset, mad, and ruins my mood. I HATE waking up to that. I don't know why it just puts me in a bad mood.
I also can't wake up right off the bat. I end up hitting snooze about 3 times. I just set my alarm back 30 minutes early assuming I'm going to hit snooze several times so I'm up and somewhat semi-awake by then. Lol... maybe that makes me weird? I dunno.
Yes to all this. And is it just me, or is that alarm clock sound you linked not near as bad as the real thing? It seems to be lacking the particular grating quality that makes real alarm clocks so horrible. Thank goodness.
Sadly, this sound is my current alarm clock sound. I have a serious problem waking up in the morning, so I need the most hated noise ever AND to put my alarm clock on the complete opposite side of my room from my bed in order to be able to wake up and not just turn off the alarm and go back to bed. Still do the snoozy thing though.