wavefreak58 wrote:
I gave up trying to think of life in terms of great or terrible, especially relative to other people's lives. I can't think about white picket fence stereotypes of success. I need to keep my internal conversations about success focused on what is important to me. It is the only way to keep any sense of balance. Chasing after success as defined by the capricious norms of this culture is a formula for failure because those norms are based on a heavily NT view of reality. I can't see the path to that type of success.
Indeed, the comparative form of 'success' is pretty illusory, especially when the "Joneses" that most try to keep up with are apparently upper-middle class, which the majority of middle-class will fail to compare with by definition. The alternative for 'success' that many default to when they're aren't rich is about all about relationships, family and friends because when you have no money but lots of time, you apparenlty have enough time to build relationships! But, when you don't have either lots of money or relationship building abilities, time to take some fukitol and define success on your own terms! Which is really the most easily achievable form of success. (And, to be honest, determining success by doing what you personally want is really the most fulfilling, regardless of your money attracting or relationship-building abilities.)
What about people who think the "Joneses" are boring? Getting married, having 2.5 kids, collecting lots of pointless stuff and basically doing what the human gene pool programs the human horde to aspire to. And then you eventually develop a bunch of health problems and deteriorate until you die.