It must be remembered also that these distorting conditions,
found in all of you, are the medium whereby you are tuned in on
the world glamour and illusion. The emphasis has been laid in
esoteric teaching on the training and liberation of the individual
aspirant. This is, of course, necessary, for the mass is made up
of the individuals, and in the steady release from the control of
these inner delusions will come the eventual clarification of
humanity. Therefore each of you in this group must of necessity
work separately and apart with himself, and learn to induce
those conditions of clarity and truth which will overcome the
ancient rhythms and deep seated habits and thus steadily purify
the aura. But this has now to be done as a group, and this group
constitutes one of the first of the exoteric groups with which it is
intended to work in the new age. Through the activity of such
groups, the world glamour will be dissipated, [28] but first of all
the aspirant must learn to deal with individual and group
glamour. It is necessary to remember the following three things.
I am going to be brief and technical in teaching this group, for
my time is short and you have an adequate technical knowledge
with which to understand that whereof I speak.
First, the united auras of the group members ever determine the
group condition, the group activity, usefulness, problem and
glamour. Hence emerges individual group responsibility and
individual usefulness. Each of you either hinders or aids the
group, according to his auric condition, which is either in a state
of glamour or illusion or is kept relatively free from these
Second, that the first job that each of you has to do is to
determine his own peculiar problem. In giving you your
individual instructions, I will take up with you in this instruction
where the particular tendency in this direction of each of you
lies, and whether it is glamour, illusion or maya to which you
habitually succumb. I will deal with directness, for I have tested
your sincerity and believe in your willingness to be told the truth.
Once you have each determined the specific nature of your
peculiar problem, you can then work with deliberation towards
its solution - with deliberation, brother of old, and with no speed,
but with due care and caution and with right understanding.