Why are NT's obsessed with drinking alchohol?

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27 Jun 2011, 4:37 am

Jellybean wrote:
Appaerntly Britain is one of the worst countries for binge drinking.

Compared to most of Europe, the British are moderate drinkers. We drink less now than we did ten years ago. The Czechs drink far more than the British but are more disciplined about it. The British attitude to alcohol is a mixture of puritanism and hysteria, a lax law-enforcement culture, people not taking responsibility for their actions and the price of booze becoming higher and higher too.


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27 Jun 2011, 4:39 am

Keeno wrote:
I have an Aspie friend, and it's well known he's obsessed with going to the pub.


Yes, I know you're on the other side of Scotland but still… ;)


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27 Jun 2011, 8:55 am

johnnydangerous wrote:
Seriously, what is it with NT's and beer? They just LOVE getting drunk, throwing up all over the place...I don't get it, do you?

They party in order to get a home run, and drink to make the batting easier. The more they drink, the easier it is to "hit" on someone.


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27 Jun 2011, 9:58 am

Jellybean wrote:
I also can't stand people drink driving because it KILLS. Appaerntly Britain is one of the worst countries for binge drinking. If you go to many other parts of Europe, they drink moderately from a younger age, and it's better quality alcohol as well.
I'm sorry but that is just wrong. Britain is 9th in the list of EU countries, drinking roughly 9 -10 litres of taxed pure alcohol per person per year which is roughly 1000 unit. French people drinks 15- 17 litres of pure alcohol per year (roughly 1400, units of alcohol) France was in the middle of the survey with amount of alcohol binge drunk, Britain was third behind Finland and Ireland.
12% of British people are likely to drink 4 units at least once a week (compare to 6% of French drinkers) but 62% of French drinkers drink 2 units at least once a week (compared to 48% of British)
The French tend to binge drink 20 days per year (average)
Not far behind the British at 28 days per year
Leading the table is Finland and Ireland 34 days a year


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27 Jun 2011, 10:13 am

I did say ONE of the worst, not THE worst. Besides I am dyscalculic so I can't do research on figures :(

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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27 Jun 2011, 10:21 am

Jellybean wrote:
I did say ONE of the worst, not THE worst.

It depends what you mean - if you mean amount that people drink, then Britain is not the worst for it. If you mean alcohol-related violence, then yes, Britain can be pretty bad for it. It's not the drink that's the problem, it's people's reaction and response to it as well as society frequently tacitly (or overtly) accepting people who act the idiot.


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27 Jun 2011, 10:27 am

If you mean alcohol-related violence, then yes, Britain can be pretty bad for it.


There goes my poor comprehension again! I think I was probably thinking about all the times I heard about alcohol related VIOLENCE not binge drinking! Besides, I am pretty locked in and don't really know muhc about other countries' alcohol useage. It's not something I have ever thought to research really!

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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27 Jun 2011, 10:28 am

Well first time I drank was recently and I have NEVER been so great at socially activities even though I were pretty trashed :P
So I think that it's because when you are drinking you are doing something together and getting a hard time walking is pretty fun and a great topic to laugh at.

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27 Jun 2011, 10:28 am

It's a big political issue among the blogs at the moment, what with pubs closing at the fastest rate in British history.


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27 Jun 2011, 10:33 am

Tequila wrote:
Jellybean wrote:
I did say ONE of the worst, not THE worst.

It depends what you mean - if you mean amount that people drink, then Britain is not the worst for it. If you mean alcohol-related violence, then yes, Britain can be pretty bad for it. It's not the drink that's the problem, it's people's reaction and response to it as well as society frequently tacitly (or overtly) accepting people who act the idiot.

I've noticed that here in Sweden. They look at you as if you've suggested shooting up heroin if you suggest a beer after work midweek. But then at the weekend drink themselves into oblivion but they're not threatening with it. From what I've seen, when they do drink, they really drink and really lethal stuff. Homemade spirits that have more in common with nail varnish remover than beer. And then they sing. 8O I'd never go into my UK home town centre on a Saturday night but I would here.

Edited to add: I forgot to say, most of the Swedes I know who get pickled at the weekends do it at someone's home, in sort of privacy as opposed to out in the street in the town centre.

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27 Jun 2011, 10:34 am

NTs think it's really cool. They think it relaxes you. Yeh - it relaxes you then gives you a headache! Who wants a headache?! :roll:

Once when I was at college, an unpopular type of person said he got drunk for the first time at the week-end, and everybody suddenly crowded round him, as though they switched from not talking to him, to suddenly loving him to bits, all because he said he got drunk. How ridiculous! Perhaps saying, ''I got drunk at the week-end'' is the magic word to suddenly get popular.

NTs - name me one person who's ever got rich by drinking themselves stupid!


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27 Jun 2011, 10:34 am

Tequila wrote:
Jellybean wrote:
I did say ONE of the worst, not THE worst.

It depends what you mean - if you mean amount that people drink, then Britain is not the worst for it. If you mean alcohol-related violence, then yes, Britain can be pretty bad for it. It's not the drink that's the problem, it's people's reaction and response to it as well as society frequently tacitly (or overtly) accepting people who act the idiot.

Another factor is that the French will have, say, three drinks spread throughout the day. The British will wait until Friday or Saturday and have, say, eight drinks in two hours. So whilst this hypothetical French person drinks about three times the amount of the Brit, he never gets paraletic.


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27 Jun 2011, 10:35 am

It's a big political issue among the blogs at the moment, what with pubs closing at the fastest rate in British history.

They've just lost three in St. Neots (near to where I live). Two are for sale and the third one has been demolished. Most of the locals are pleased about the third one though because it was full of violent louts... unfortunately for us, they all moved up the road to our favourite pub :roll: Can't blooming win!

It's not like we're lacking in pubs though there's still about 5 within walking distance of each other... Quite a lot of pubs for such a small town.

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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27 Jun 2011, 10:45 am

The_Walrus wrote:
Tequila wrote:
Jellybean wrote:
I did say ONE of the worst, not THE worst.

It depends what you mean - if you mean amount that people drink, then Britain is not the worst for it. If you mean alcohol-related violence, then yes, Britain can be pretty bad for it. It's not the drink that's the problem, it's people's reaction and response to it as well as society frequently tacitly (or overtly) accepting people who act the idiot.

Another factor is that the French will have, say, three drinks spread throughout the day. The British will wait until Friday or Saturday and have, say, eight drinks in two hours. So whilst this hypothetical French person drinks about three times the amount of the Brit, he never gets paraletic.
but on the other hand come Sunday Evening the Average Brit has done his/her drinking for the week and is now sober, and the Average French man/woman is still drinking, so is never really sober.


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27 Jun 2011, 10:50 am

Most of them aren't. Other those for who suffer from alcoholism, it's a recreational/social activity rather than an obsession.

Asd an aspie, I drink partly because I find 24/7 sobriety extremely boring, and because alcohol is the only thing that enables me to relax whilst in the company of other human beings.

The panda made me do it.

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27 Jun 2011, 10:55 am

Joe90 wrote:

NTs - name me one person who's ever got rich by drinking themselves stupid!

Well I'm not an NT ... but Jim Morrison, Richard Harris and Oliver Reed are three who spring to mind straight away.

The panda made me do it.