silver22 wrote:
I grew up listening to australian comedians such as Rodney Rude, Kevin Bloody Wilson, Col Eliott & Austen tayshus. I only heard George Calin later in life, who is also very funny and has a similar sense of humour. Australian comedians seem to have very dark humour, much more offensive than american comedians with virtually no topic off limits.
This has given me a very dark sense of humour.
I would dispute that. While I enjoy Rodney and Kev from time to time, their humour is, for the most part, reasonably good natured, just "off-colour". Most of the comedians I've heard that I would consider "dark" are/were Americans, and the only Australian I know of that I would put in that category would be Brendon Burns, who doesn't even live or work in Australia, largely because Australian audiences found him too dark.
Carlin did some dark material as well as some light hearted, "gee, isn't this a weird phrase!" type of stuff. I loved Carlin as well, one of my favourites. Another of my favourites is Bill Hicks. But the darkest would have to be Doug Stanhope. Who else would open a set with "You know the funny thing about child pornography? No credits! I guess some people are in it just for the art!" and title a later track "For Only Two Dollars A Month You Can Keep This Kid Alive Long Enough To Produce Six More People Who Have Nothing To Eat"