floaty wrote:
I'm trying to get my head around the differences between AS and NVLD, it's not easy as I'm not well so I thought I'd ask a question.
I find it far easier to read something in front of me and understand it than if someone is telling me. I had problems in school with following what the teacher was saying but if it was written down, I could read it and read it again and absorb it.
Does this point towards NVLD or away from it as don't people with NVLD have the reverse problem??
I'm trying to get my head around the differences between AS and NVLD, it's not easy as I'm not well so I thought I'd ask a question.
I find it far easier to read something in front of me and understand it than if someone is telling me. I had problems in school with following what the teacher was saying but if it was written down, I could read it and read it again and absorb it.
Does this point towards NVLD or away from it as don't people with NVLD have the reverse problem??
I have NLD and it is the exact same way for me. I think the majority of people with NLD are visual learners. It was also torture for me whenever I had to listen to instructions for obstacle races in gym class. I'd always have everyone in my team go ahead of me so I could see what they were doing first.
People with AS have the same impairments of theory of mind/empathy as those with Autistic Disorder. People with NVLD don't have the severe problems with theory of mind.
* Asperger’s and Autism share primarily the difficulty of recognizing the existence of others—trouble with theory of mind. Asperger’s can talk; autism usually has limited speech.
* Asperger’s children appear less interested in forming bonds and have more trouble with “theory of mind” than NVLD and Sematic-Pragmatic Disorder.
* NVLDs are marked by integration problems of pragmatic language gestalt; spatial orientation; and motoric coordination.
The Spectrum
Last edited by Danielismyname on 07 May 2008, 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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This seems to be a popular topic recently. Researchers and clinicians are divided on the issue. Some see NLD and Asperger's as identical (or nearly so), while others believe that there are some important differences between the constructs. However, NLD is a neurospsychological category, and Asperger's is a psychiatric category. NLD, unlike Asperger's, is not in the DSM-IV-TR.
Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
36 domains/24 books:
Emancipated Autism:
Institute for Dialectical metaRealism:
floaty wrote:
I'm trying to get my head around the differences between AS and NVLD, it's not easy as I'm not well so I thought I'd ask a question.
I find it far easier to read something in front of me and understand it than if someone is telling me. I had problems in school with following what the teacher was saying but if it was written down, I could read it and read it again and absorb it.
Does this point towards NVLD or away from it as don't people with NVLD have the reverse problem??
I'm trying to get my head around the differences between AS and NVLD, it's not easy as I'm not well so I thought I'd ask a question.
I find it far easier to read something in front of me and understand it than if someone is telling me. I had problems in school with following what the teacher was saying but if it was written down, I could read it and read it again and absorb it.
Does this point towards NVLD or away from it as don't people with NVLD have the reverse problem??
Well, supposedly people with NLD have excellent auditory memories, and tend to be auditory learners. However, this is not true of me at all (I have NLD). In fact, as part of my neuropsych eval, I was given a test of auditory memory. It actually was on par with my visual memory- mildly-moderately impaired. I think anxiety might have played some role during the testing (people firing lists of words at you tends to be somewhat overwhelming), but my auditory memory is definitely not the best. My rote memory is awesome, but only if I read something. I can learn new vocab words as fast as I can read them, but if I hear an unfamiliar word, I will only remember it if I know how it's spelled.
Auditory instructions are also very difficult for me to follow. The only reason I didn't fail the lab portions of my science classes in school was due to having a lab partner- I never knew what was actually going on because I couldn't follow the instructions the teacher was giving us.
If I were to ever seek accommodations for school, on the top of my list would be receiving written copies of all assignments.