Dandelion wrote:
Yes on the CAPD. My audiologist, after asking me various questions about other things (intolerance to food textures, certain fabrics, bright lights, tickling, swings, etc.) grouped it all under "sensory defensiveness" which is apparently just another way of saying SPD.
Dandelion that is interesting about the other questions you were asked. I have issues with textures, lights, tickling and think I must have the CAPD. I'm just not sure who to approach for help with it or if there really is any help for CAPD. But I think it explains why despite having only mild hearing loss in certain frequencies and having my audiologist turn my hearing aids way up I still can't "hear" conversation. Actually I do hear the noise, but what the hell are they saying?! !
I am now seeing an ENT who had her own audiologist on staff who retested my hearing. I am considering approaching her but when she comes into the room she brings two assistants in with her. I am having trouble dealing with 3 people hovering over me and need to figure a nice way of asking the other two to leave. I think they are medical students, but still I feel a lack of privacy where there is no way I can convide something so private as being Autistic to three people at once. I hate to have the opportunity escape where I have access to a couple new audiologists on her staff.