Can you tell when someone is staring at you?

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22 May 2012, 2:09 am

Yes, typically I can feel when someone's eyes are on me, or at least looking in my direction, and it's fairly unnerving. My theory of mind is bad enough though that often I forget that other people can feel when I'm staring at them too, so I study them while they're not looking, then get awkwardly surprised when they look up and catch me staring!

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22 May 2012, 3:27 am

usually, yes i can.
however, only if the starers attention is also at me, i wont realise if someone is merely staring in my direction.

a weirder thing, however, is that i also seem to be able to draw eyes to me; if i'm waiting for something, idling (say: a grocery store register or a traffic light), i often realise that people will turn their heads to me, even if they are fully turned away from me, if i focus my attention to them...

off-note, i did also see the trough the wormhole about the morfic field, it sounded strangely 'right' to me when i saw it, just like aspergers felt like 'me' when i first read about it, before my dianosis...


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22 May 2012, 4:11 am

MrXxx wrote:
Yes. Yes I can. And I'd appreciate it if you'd knock it off!


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22 May 2012, 1:21 pm

I can feel when people are staring at me, but also when they are staring in my direction too (possibly because I'm so paranoid). Someone's only got to turn their head towards me and I immediately think they are staring at me (and feel it too), then when I glance at them I notice they are just staring past me.

I've found a better solution, which is to look at other people as you pass, rather than keeping your head down or your eyes away all the time. I know looking at other people can be exhausting, but I've found that trying to look away all the time is even more exhausting, and also feeling people's gaze when you're not looking at them back makes you feel more paranoid because you're constantly thinking, ''why are they looking at me for, if I'm not even looking at them???'' So I try to look at people as they pass, and I've found out a lot about what I've been missing all this time I've been anxious about it. I've found people smile more or even say hello when you look up at them, and also I've found I look more friendly and even more confident when I look up at people, and also when I've been with my friend I've spotted a few people staring at my friend as they passed and not at me, whereas if I hadn't been looking I would've probably thought they were just looking at me.

Also I've got a few nice looks from handsome young men. :wink:

ps - please don't doubt me on this one, like saying things like, ''oh men only look at you because you look vulnerable'' or, ''oh people are only saying hello because [''between-the-lines'' message: you're Aspie so you're probably giving them an unsettling stare] your stare is making them feel uncomfortable so they feel they have to react to it'', because that is the last thing you should say to someone who is trying to get over a soul-destroying anxiety. Not all Aspies are unaware of their actions anyway. I know I'm not, and I don't stare either, I just glance at people and move on.



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22 May 2012, 1:54 pm

Yeah I can....though sometimes I feel like that even if no ones around, kinda creepy but whatever.

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22 May 2012, 3:21 pm

Yes. I can feel their eyes burn holes into me. It's kind of creepy being able to sense it and them even doing it.


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22 May 2012, 3:34 pm

It's annoying when I tell this to anyone, because their first question is, ''well do you look at them?'' and when I say, ''no, I can just feel it and sense when someone is looking at me'', and then people say, ''it's just your imagination.'' But I know it's not because often when I've sensed someone was looking, I glanced at them and they were looking. But when I say that, people always say, ''they probably saw you glance at them so they glanced at you back'', but then I say, ''no, I can tell when somebody's been looking at me before I look at them''. But the answer is always, ''you're just being overparanoid about it and so interpret it the wrong way'' or, ''you need to learn that all people look at eachother, it's a natural thing.''

Hopefully the last two answers are right, maybe I am being hypersensitive or overparanoid, and I've seen people look at other people, but I always worry that people look at me for a signifficant purpose as though something's wrong. But just because I'm Aspie doesn't mean I'm unaware of my actions, I know I don't look odd or do anything unusual, and I have had honest feedback from close relatives and friends about how I look and act, and they're never complained or warned or anything like that. They often tell me that people look at me because I look and act normal and so they admire me. I just hope that's true.



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22 May 2012, 9:38 pm

Hmm.. There are instances when I look up or turn my head and I find the person staring at me. Also, there were times when I randomly sing a song I like, only to hear it being played nearby. I thought I have some sort of ESP. But I also think that perhaps I hear the song subconsciously, prompting me to sing it. Afterwards, I will hear it consciously, making me think that I sang it before I heard it. I am not sure.


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22 May 2012, 10:19 pm

Surfman wrote:

I sometimes used to look to the phone just before it rang

Oh me too! Except, this only seems to "work" with me with landlines. I've never had the slightest inkling with a cell phone is going to always shocks and some times scares me. :shrug:

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22 May 2012, 10:42 pm

I dont sleep much but it really anoys me when some one watches me in my sleep. go from :tired: :? :evil: