Excellent submissions so far, my Aspie brethren!
And welcome to the Brotherhood, Candy-Aspie, Omega, Ordvillia, Cameleon, and Carbide. Costumes will be designed to your specifications, then sent to your respective addresses. We'll move to our headquarters once we've decided which location would be most suitable.
memesplice wrote:
I've always wanted to wear on of those wolf fleeces like they do in Dances With Wolves and maybe go on all fours through pine forrests.
I like dogs.
I have no idea if this is relevant or if it would be a superpower.
No, that would do nicely, memesplice. Every self-respecting mutant super team has a 'feral' member. You could run around, snarl, and snap at people and you'd be amazed at how effective this is in terror operations.
ChrispyBiscuits wrote:
You can call me cameleon, my abillity is to make myself appear to be NT with effort, allowing me to infiltrate and spy.
my suit will be a paper bag worn over my head with a smile, nose and two eyebrows drawn on it, two holes cut in it for my eyes and a watch that tells TIME.
I will wear layer open layer of NT typical clothes to give me the ability to change my appearance.
Excellent! I can tell you're going to be invaluable to our mission.
Todesking wrote:
We could hire some NT genticists and some virologists team them up to design a disease that attacks anyone that does not have the "autism" gene. It is more poetic to kill off the NTs using NT scientists, their greed, and their science to wipe them out. It is also a great way to kill off the posers in our community as well. Science would be our weapon and our autism genetics would be our shield.

I like how you think... BUT I will not tolerate the presence of any NTs in Brotherhood headquarters. Can't we instead send Cameleon to infiltrate the laboratories where the autistic genes are being isolated for the NT governments' sinister purposes as some have described above, and then sabotage their efforts? Besides, we'll still need the NTs alive so we can enslave and oppress them. Nevertheless, this bio-weapon would be useful, though, if we need to deal with particularly pesky NTs foolish enough to engage us in combat.
Callista wrote:
Hell no.
NTs are people too.
Expect to see me organizing the non-bigoted Aspies to take you guys down.
Come on, Callista, don't be that way. Would you consider my offer if you get to rule a country of your choice in my... I mean OUR world order? France? Italy? Brazil with a restored rain forest? Any one state could be yours! You'll have NT servants at your feet, and your face would be on the nation's currency! I know you want to practice your evil cackle.
clarity of thought before rashness of action