angelbear wrote:
Thanks everyone....Your input is very helpful. From what I have observed (as usual with my son) is that it is a combination of things that are causing him to do it, which makes it hard to pinpoint and hard to come up with a solution. But just reading the posts helps me to understand and handle it a little better with my son. I hope this doesn't become a problem at school this year as he just started doing it the last couple of weeks of school last year, but has really been doing it alot all summer. I guess we shall soon find out.
Yes, my son (Autism) is 6 and does this. He will be 7 soon. He displays very similarly as your's both in action and verbally. He shows that he is self aware of it but I can also see that he cannot stop himself sometimes. He does try hitting his chest and his thigh to redirect. It seems to have begun in June of this year. The school, ABA, therapeutic babysitters, OT, SLP are all aware of it so we are all keeping tabs on it. There is some indication in some of the research that I have done it could be seizure related but who knows. Every time we take him to the neurologist nothing significant shows on the EEG.
I do gain some insight and understanding from the posts that other ASD folks have placed here and appreciate your input as you can express yourselves more thoroughly and descriptively than my son can as yet. He too is very bright but right now is not quite capable of continuous, natural conversation. It looks like with a lot of intervention he will get there though.