Fatal-Noogie wrote:
I just now scribbled a surreal doodle to show how I feel about my missing piece...
If I'd
had the missing piece to begin with, I never would have practiced art to express what I couldn't say in words.
Now i have a tool that my adversaries don't.
I see things they don't.
I create things they don't.
Awesome!! My sentiments exactly... Especially the part where the snakes and birds flowing in and out...
I believe artistically this is the eccentric genius that is a part of the ASD-schizo spectrum ...
I also believe people who have an ASD and are in the art field have an easier time accessing unconscious information and discovering new methods, styles etc.
However for me I find the chronic depression almost completely disabling to my creativity... I find it as impossible to control as my neurological disability, I even read self help books etc...
I believe to make up for that my brain has been acting almost like auto-pilot in an extremely inuitive way...
It has turned my art work into something that speaks for my unconscious mind, as well as collectively
I believe is some kind of bridge to other people's mind in a social way, on an sub/unconscious level...
But I also find this kind of creepy and manipulative...
I also believe ASD is not a LACK of instinct but lack of HUMAN instinct ie a step "down" toward the animal "id" or more 'unconscious' level.... Which is how people with autism tend to have some kind of subtle connection with animals...