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12 Aug 2011, 8:56 am


Based on dozens of recent WP posts, I imagine that an AS-based culture would have the following characteristics:

- No professional sports leagues, no crowded pro sports venues, no pro athletes.

- No crowded shopping malls; shopping is by Internet-based delivery and credit deduction only.

- Two TV channels: "All Porn" and "All Anime", with a possible third for "All Hentai".

- No military conscription, no volunteer military, no military at all.

- No congress, no senate, no other governing body - either total anarchy or a socialist dictatorship.

- Free medical, free dental, free optical, free psychological treatment, and free Valium on demand.

- Daily "Witch Hunts"; anyone could be convicted of any crime based on suspicion alone.

- No schools; whatever you want to believe as Truth is Truth, and no one would be allowed to disagree.

- ... ?



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12 Aug 2011, 10:49 am

Fnord wrote:

Based on dozens of recent WP posts, I imagine that an AS-based culture would have the following characteristics:
- No professional sports leagues, no crowded pro sports venues, no pro athletes.
- No crowded shopping malls; shopping is by Internet-based delivery and credit deduction only.
- Two TV channels: "All Porn" and "All Anime", with a possible third for "All Hentai".
- No military conscription, no volunteer military, no military at all.
- No congress, no senate, no other governing body - either total anarchy or a socialist dictatorship.
- Free medical, free dental, free optical, free psychological treatment, and free Valium on demand.
- Daily "Witch Hunts"; anyone could be convicted of any crime based on suspicion alone.
- No schools; whatever you want to believe as Truth is Truth, and no one would be allowed to disagree.
- ... ?

Hmm... might moderate that somewhat
- Pro sports would be less financially viable. Might be replaced by live "Jeopardy" or "Who wants to be a Millionaire" type events. Televised too, of course.
- Shopping Centers would be redesigned for efficiency, walls would be layered with sound suppressing acoustic invention, self checkouts would be more readily available, there would be clocks on every corner (ever notice there's no TIME in a shopping mall? they design it that way to keep people shopping!), there would be more dependable, healthy, and sanitary food services... and on and on. But you're right. Alot more shopping would be done online.
- Really? Porn Anime and Hentai? I certainly think a lot of the "reality tv shows" would be cut and definitely modified - they would become true talent searches as oppossed to popularity contests. I think a good majority of soap operas would be gone, daytime talk shows would end, or need to find a better format than "we're giving the audience NEW CARS". Probably have more science fiction dramas replacing all the cop shows, and documentaries would make a comeback.
- Military would have to change some. You might be right - it would recieve lesser interest. Maybe we could outsource :P
- I think government would be much more intelligently run. We would have realtime internet voting on bills, thus garnering a true impression about what people really need and want - and this data would be RELEVANT. We would have less heckling and governmental drama, thus making the process much more efficient.
- I think we'd be able to run a pretty effective health care system based on taxpayer input. We'd also reform the definition of a typical job: there'd be a great deal of improvement on time and efficiency (read "Walden 2" re the concept of a four hour work day) and what jobs are actually necessary for society.
- Witch hunt wha?
- Childhood and adolescent education might go the way of the computer/internet... and yet I think higher education would still need such things as centralized classrooms and laboratories where materials and equipment specific to the selected educational path would be available. We would have "encouraged physical activity" gatherings for the children (and parents) to learn what interaction they are capable of and engage in it. There would be clear and "free" self-evaluation programs which help you to understand and inventory your skills in order to find what professions might best suit you - or which would help you discover which training you would need in order to pursue an specific career you might have your heart set on... and this would start to be available at an early age.
- There'd be better mass transit.
- There'd be mail/package/delivery service reform to account for greater demand on online shoppers (new and used items alike), as well as for interpersonal deliveries.
- There would be development in social signals, meeting place arangements, etc etc. There might be an instigation of such things as "I'm available" and "My Special Interest is..." pins, training in the proper use of gestures and declarative language, dating parks for singles....
- Residences: we'd likely have a revolution in the design and concept of apartments to make them more predictable, comfortable, sound insulated, temperature regulation (there are advancements to be made here!), etc etc.
- There'd be more food delivery services / healthier ones too. More of a market for it.

And probably a lot more.


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12 Aug 2011, 11:00 am

OJani wrote:
(Back to the subject :P )

I wondered how autistics would make a society if they were the only population. Development, structure, order all need strong organizing skills and commitment. Solitary attitude does not really support them. We would rely on some outer system that'd present us those things. Robots, an alien species, NT volunteers etc.

I would think we'd do even better at organizing and structures. I'd think redesigning the public transportation system in my city would be a dream job for me and an excellent challenge and well within my ability and desitre to research and accomplish. I'd do it better and faster and more completely than anyone else I could imagine. That's not ignorant bragging, that's something I've honestly considered over many years.

But I don't have the training or degrees or miles of past experience to justify that belief in my ability, so it will never be asked of me. Would that there was a world where they accepted proposals from anyone and compared them for value as oppossed to comparing the reputation/popularity of the submitter.

I clearly remember why one of the great businesses in our province went out of business: they relied on a "professional" who was famous for increasing profits for a few other companies. I'd worked at White Rose for almost a decade, and knew that its biggest issue was inventory control and getting product from the warehouses to the selling floor. This guy comes in with his reputation and cuts the available floor/shelf space in HALF in all the stores to give them a more "open airy friendly" feeling, which worked for his last jobs... but thereby reducing the available interaction between customer and product. The company was a volume company, not a frilly foufou company. All he changed was the appearance, and did nothing to (did the opposite of!) ameliorate the inventory control issues. Stock built up even more in back rooms all over the province and Good bye White Rose.

Would that there was a world where everyone accepted proposals from anyone, comparing them for value as oppossed to relying on the reputation/popularity of a submitter looking for status.

Anyhow. I think it would become a matter of respecting hard facts and researched proposals (and there would be more proposals to select from) submitted by people who are driven by a desire to make a better world for themselves to live in.


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12 Aug 2011, 5:25 pm

Personally I think we need more documentaries and less reality tv shows for the sake of education. Free medicare is always good. If we are going to provide public transport we should spend good money on it. And finally a small army would be good, from what I've learned from civ 5 without an army you're screwed


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12 Aug 2011, 5:29 pm

Ashuahhe wrote:
And finally a small army would be good, from what I've learned from civ 5 without an army you're screwed

< snort >

And it's at this that I know that Western civilisation is doomed.


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12 Aug 2011, 5:31 pm

Culture map -
the higher up the country is, the more "rational" and atheistic it tends to be
The more to the right the more the country is open and egalitarian and free.
According to this study, we should go to Sweden.


'not only has he hacked his intellect away from his feelings, but he has smashed his feelings and his capacity for judgment into smithereens'.


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12 Aug 2011, 5:33 pm

Tequila wrote:
Ashuahhe wrote:
And finally a small army would be good, from what I've learned from civ 5 without an army you're screwed

< snort >

And it's at this that I know that Western civilisation is doomed.

Not all is doomed, although if we keep two channels just for anime and porn I think we are


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12 Aug 2011, 5:33 pm

Tequila wrote:
Ashuahhe wrote:
And finally a small army would be good, from what I've learned from civ 5 without an army you're screwed

And it's at this that I know that Western civilisation is doomed.

Well, things might be different if HRM had a real army...

<Runs for Brit-proof bunker>


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12 Aug 2011, 6:47 pm

OddFiction wrote:
I would think we'd do even better at organizing and structures.

Hmm. The problem is who decides to do what and what not. Having a society operated in a coherent way isn't that easy as it might appear at first glance. Organization skills are not hard knowledge, no matter how hard they're trying to make it appear so. The underlying rules are mainly intuitive and the innate ability to deal with them is most likely absent or at least not as complete in the autistic population. Having difficulties with seeing the whole picture while being good at focusing on the details seems to underpin it.

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19 Sep 2011, 4:17 pm

Another planet, perhaps?

"I miss the comfort of being sad." -Nirvana


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19 Sep 2011, 6:53 pm

TPE2 wrote:

Thinking about the issue, I think that will very difficult to find a culture good for aspies, because there is latent opposition between two typical aspie traits - "social eccentricity" and "need for routine". But my "social eccentricity" is your "unpredicted change of routine". This mean that societies that tolerate a great degree of variance in behaviour and are tolerant of eccentricity wil be also societies with low order, predictability and routine; and ordered, punctual, etc. societies are usually societies where individual eccentricity is not tolerated (about the fascination with Japan than many people have at WP - do you really want to live in a country where "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down"?).

In terms of cultural studies, this is part of our problem right here, the conflict between social eccentricity and need for routine. It is where Aspies can be quite liberal and quite conservative at the same time, in a conflicting, contradictory way.


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19 Sep 2011, 6:54 pm

Fnord wrote:
- Daily "Witch Hunts"; anyone could be convicted of any crime based on suspicion alone.

Sad but true, given some WP posts.


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19 Sep 2011, 7:17 pm

Phonic wrote:
Culture map -
the higher up the country is, the more "rational" and atheistic it tends to be
The more to the right the more the country is open and egalitarian and free.
According to this study, we should go to Sweden.


The individualism variable is the more important one here i.e. the countries to the right of the chart which are certainly the better ones for us. Individualism is a double edged sword, but at least gives us more of the freedom of association we need, and I'm sure Aspies can't thrive to a high potential in a collective culture that moulds you into what to do. But atheistic is not necessarily better for Aspies. Many Aspies are atheistic, but many are religious, so it depends. Personally it strikes me, looking at the chart that when I come across people from the countries at the top of the chart (secular-rational) they tend to be much less tolerant of my restricted/inflexible intelligence and social naivety as I notice a culture clash with those countries, and one in particular. This contrasts especially with the US south/midwest/rural/red states (if not other parts of that country!) which I would guess would be below the general US on the chart and somewhere right of Ireland i.e. bottom right hand corner. Sweden would not be my scene!


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19 Sep 2011, 7:57 pm

Fnord wrote:

It has lots of culture.


And an "h", apparently. 8O

~learned something new today~

"Such is the Frailty
of the human Heart, that very few Men, who have no Property, have any Judgment of their own.
They talk and vote as they are directed by Some Man of Property, who has attached their Minds
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19 Sep 2011, 9:00 pm

I'd be happy just moving from CT to Vermont or some other place more north...

I think United States is pretty sweet, really. I just wish the govt. was a bit more libertarian, but I guess it's a decent compared to the rest of the world. No television licenses, 18% VAT, like Britain or something, but at the same time USA generally is safe enough to conduct daily business compared to, say, Pakistan or South America.

Maybe I missed the point of this question...?


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20 Sep 2011, 3:14 am

I'm thinking Japan personally, interesting that the chart tends to agree pretty closely. It's not so much religious or non-religious, Japanese culture actually has several religious elements in it. From the information I have, it seems they go to the Shinto shrine for births, the church for marriages and the Buddhist temple for funerals, regardless of which of the three they usually subscribe to.

The thing the vertical axis more represents rather than atheistic/religious is whether logic and rational values hold greater precedence over following rules, regulations, traditions and societal norms. And in this respect, Japan really is pretty high on the list. They are, after all, the foremost in the world when it comes to android technology, which completely screws with many establishment mindsets out there.

To me, this is actually more important than whether people interfere with me so much or not. That said, if I have the chance to move to Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, or Switzerland, I'd still take those options in a heartbeat.

My current location, Hell, is probably located in the Africa region, even though geographically it's not anywhere near there. Conservatism here is so darn rampant we still haven't changed governments after almost 50 years, in spite of the government seriously ripping off the citizens to an extent that would make African nations jealous, having control over the citizens' behaviour to an extent that does make the Chinese Communist Party jealous (they love to hear what one of our leaders have to say) and in spite of the fact that we can actually vote them out. The whole self-expression thing is also significantly compromised in preference to groupthink and herd mentalities.

We are one of the only communities in the world which regularly have the ability to use the longest word in the dictionary in its proper context! Extreme conservatism - Freedom of individual expression = Antidisestablishmentarianism.

Anywhere towards the upper right portion of the scale is a good direction to move in.

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