I let people guess about my age. The result ranges from 28 to 36. I'm 38.
When they judge about my face, they're closer, when they guess about my whole appearance (I still have almost flat belly, I've never smoked, I do sports regularly, drink only a little, don't do any other addictive stuff), my mannerism, how I talk, what I do and wear, they're farther.
I'll cite a few lines from Jennifer MyIlwee Myers, from the book "Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships", page 139, (bolding by me):
"My mother often explained to me that the skill set for childhood is not anything like the skill set for adulthood. She told me that I just didn't have the traits that would make me excel at being a kid, especially in social life, but that I did have a lot of traits that would be great in an adult. She pointed out that many of the kids who were popular and seemed to have it all were going to undermine their hopes for adulthood by the end of high school (or college at the latest) with binge drinking, experimenting with drugs, maltreating their bodies to achieve fashionable thinness, causing themselves permanent physical damage in pursuits of sports glory, and so forth. Many others would simply find that all of the traits and skill that they had so carefully honed throughout high school simply didn't work in adult life. She told me that when those people were siting around at age forty, drinking and remembering those few years of perfection, I would have a life."
I was quite shocked I've never heard or read an approach like this before, I thought other people usually have a more effortless understanding of how to live at every age, but the bolded text has some resonance.
Another non-English speaking - DX'd at age 38
"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam." (Hannibal) - Latin for "I'll either find a way or make one."