Ellytoad wrote:
I have fainted several times. Two of them were triggered by a bout of panic, from which I woke up screaming uncontrollably. I still have no answer as to what causes such a ghastly symptom.
I have panic attacks. I don't know why, maybe it is the Asperger's, though I haven't read about such an association. But already under treatment for Clinical Depression, with antidepressants, the doctor adds a prescription for Xanax, a tranquilizer, to my scripts. If I feel one coming on, I take a pill, and then stay as quiet as I can, or try to think about something else, for 30 minutes until the pill works. If I don't have the pills on hand, it is not pleasant: I go curl up on my bed if I'm home, or sit still and freeze, if I'm somewhere else, or talk to an understanding friend, if I'm somewhere else (somebody's arms around me is a great help, but public situations in which that can be done are limited, and especially people who are "allowed" to do it). I don't faint or scream uncontrollably with them, though, unless (I think) they happen when I'm asleep, in which case I wake up from a screaming nightmare. But as long as I'm awake, I can stay physically under control: basically, hold as still as I can. It's said that Xanax can be very addictive, but I haven't found it so, but then I don't have the panic attacks very often. Sometimes they're triggered by something, and sometimes by nothing at all that I can recognize, I just feel the anxiety building up and up to a climax, and if I have to get through it without help, it stays at that climax for what feels like forever, but might be "only" an hour or so. If I get the pill in time, it doesn't get that bad, just goes clear away when the pill works, and some untreated ones aren't as bad as others, they may just get definitely feeling anxious and then go away again slowly.
Neither the doctors who have written the scripts for me, or the two or three Psychologists who have worked with me, have given me any opinions on _why_. I sometimes use the xanax for a scary real situation, like a Tornado Warning, too.