I am very paranoid. I got worse since I was told on WP that all people on the spectrum give off vibes, no matter how cool or sociable they are acting or looking, so it's really put me off existing. I just know that people will be out to get me because of this. I am terrified to live on my own, because of the thought of being surrounded by youths that pick on people like me who evidentally give off these vibes. I feel that because I give off these vibes, I feel that people don't respect me. They only have to look at me once and say, ''oh she looks like a stupid idiot - let's pick on her'', without no thought for my feelings. Now it's made me actually call myself a stupid idiot, since I give off vibes that I am one.
But do millionnaires give off millionnaire vibes? Do Scottish people give off Scottish vibes? Do Catholics gives off Catholic vibes? Do poor people give off poor vibes? Do alcoholics give off alcoholic vibes? Do vegetarians give off vegetarian vibes? Unless you are stereotypically dressed like or acting like a millionnaire, or a Scottish person, or a Catholic, or a poor person, or an alcoholic, or a vegetarian, how would anyone else know about your background? If you just wear clothes that make you blend in with the rest and you just act normal like the rest, how can there be any telling who you are or what you're doing with your life? If I'm able to cover up my Aspieness (which I am very able to do) then everybody (except people I know) are none the wiser about who I am. But I suppose people are still against what I tried to make myself think, so I suppose I will go on being paranoid and socially phobic.