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30 Aug 2011, 5:45 am

I'm extremely sensitive to criticism. It was one of the ways I discovered that I have aspie traits. It's given me a great deal of trouble over time.
I tend to take criticism very personal. I also have a hard time imagening why someone else feels another way that I do. So when I discuss with someone who critize something I say, I get VERY defensive. I try to convince others that THEY are wrong, and that my point is times it can almost provoke a rage incident. And when I think about it afterwards I get really ashamed, because I understand that logically I should not be so upset. It helps me to think that it might be because of Aspergers that I respond so extreme, and to focus on that it is not a personal attack, it's just a difference in point of view, even though I don't really understand why they feel differently.

It causes me most trouble at work. As a scientist it's part of the job that people critisize your work and your results and I'm not very good at handling that. Again I get defensive, defend my results fanatically and generally reject criticism. If I realise they are right (by pointing out a logical flaw) I get a feeling of failure since it's hard for me to see if it is meant in a friendly or hostile manner. If anyone has advice on how to deal with criticism at work, it is very welcome.

Regarding my special interest I tend to critisize it openly around people close to me. At least that way THEY don't do it. I just say that I know it's a bit silly but that I like it. But when someone critisise it, damn. It hurts more than they can possibly imagine, right?


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30 Aug 2011, 6:20 am

AtticusKane wrote:
MagicMeerkat wrote:
I've always been told no and that I couldn't do certian things ever since childhood. I'd have to say it's turned me into a "that's what you think" hot head as oppsed to being easily discouraged.

Yea, exactly. Although when it comes from somebody whose opinion I really respect and care about, then it gets to me.

I don't have that many people's opinion I respect and care about. Mostly becuase everyone has treated me like s**t my entire life.

Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.


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30 Aug 2011, 2:22 pm

I am very sensitive to criticism sometimes. I think some of it may have to do with me being bullied a lot as a kid. I sometimes assume people are being insulting, being mean to me or judging me when they probably aren't & I sometimes verbally lash at em in a very poor attempt to defend myself form being attacked or ridiculed by verbally fighting back & it can start a very heated argument with lots of insults that becomes a meltdown.

I'm also extremely easily discouraged. I'm ready to give up the moment something gets difficult because my past experiences have thought me that difficult things can be impossible for me to grasp or not worth the effort for me to

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30 Aug 2011, 2:45 pm

I'm too sensitive for my own good, that's for sure.

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30 Aug 2011, 2:59 pm

I'm VERY easily discouraged from pursuing goals. Recently, I applied for a job. It was a big step after being a full-time mum for 5 years. I truly think it was mine for the taking, given the hours and the fact that the interviewer told me on the phone that my application was perfect. On the day of the interview (which I think was going to be an informal chat), I mentioned to my mum that I was a little unsure about the job. She said, 'Well don't bother going for the interview then'. So my mind was made up, I put in an apology and never went. Total lack of encouragement and I give up.

It's the same when I'm clothes shopping (which is a rare occurrence). Unless my husband shows some enthusiasm, I won't buy it. Then later he'll say, 'Why didn't you get that?'.

With my art, I try to ignore my mum. She doesn't appreciate art and doesn't know what to say. She's looking for a few prints for her house just now, even though I could paint something to suit her (originals for free). She laughs about it a little as if it is 'pie in the sky', which could be a bit insulting. However, my dad is much more encouraging and would be more than happy to accept a few of my paintings. I've learned to accept that her opinion doesn't count in this area.


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30 Aug 2011, 3:33 pm

most of the time, criticism will trigger fight or flight in me, and I usually flee, never to return again. a perfect instance of this was failing my driving test about 4 years ago. just running over that cone and having the woman tell me I failed deflated me to the point that I have yet to try driving a car again.


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30 Aug 2011, 5:43 pm

MarketAndChurch wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
MarketAndChurch wrote:

Well here's my problem: My mind draws a perpetual blank when it comes to an interaction in an odd way: It's almost like the only thing it does is process the interaction and I can read emotions very very well but when it comes to reacting, I not only do not know how to physically react, my mind absolutely has nothing to respond with... NOTHING. I'm fine with it sometimes because I just enjoy taking it all in, but the people around need verbal input or else they'll get pissed off and that's where I let them down. WHAT DOES ONE DO WHEN ONE HAS NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT ANYTHING? When I do have something to say, it is usually after the appropriate time to say something (like... when I've had time to review it in my head later) and it is an over-analytical take on it. But in real-time, day-to-day interactions, I can't get past: "that was great" or "I didn't like it" before absolutly have nothing to say - and when I listen to amazing dialog on a talkshow, on TV, or in a movie, I can only take it all in. Nothing registers, I can't keep any of the lines I watch or hear (or the attitude and body language that accompanies it) in my memory, and I certainly can not repeat it or recreate it with any level of accuracy.

It has been the cause of my depression. I cannot be social if I don't learn to have some lines to say for certain circumstances, i don't want to be a mute aspie forever.

    Why can't you approach other people on campus? Is it sensory overload(like myself as well) or something else sort of unique to you?

Not sure exactly, I have just never really been able to do that....I mean I know its as easy as walking up to someone and saying something but its like my brain cannot process to actually do that so I don't. I can't even get to the point of walking up to them...I mean its not nessisarly fear of embarrasment or anything there is usually not a specific thought attatched to why I cannot do that I have never really been able to figure it out. Its like my brain is missing whatever functions make that possible.

I don't know if it's a physical disability (like your brain isn't hard-wired that way) but I too had that and after much digging, it went deeper as in Ive had bad experiences in not knowing what to say or saying the wrong thing, etc, so there was almost some kind of social force field that I sort of bounced off of people and went in the opposite direction, or gravitated towards the back or away from the group. Whatever it is for you, I hope you figure out or find some ways to deal with it - Im glad I didnt' find out about AS growing up but I sure as hell wish I knew about it a few years earlier as I would not have put myself in those situations had I known about my symptoms, AS, etc.

Well I know I felt different than others ever since I can remember, and it became obvious others knew this too and did not like it. I mean a lot of my early memories like around the ages of 4-7 involved a lot of not so great social interactions which only furthered the issue I was already different and clearly did not approach social interaction correctly and got treated like I was intentionally doing something wrong, intentionally overreacting ect. So yeah I did start kind of avoiding people as much as I could not because I was ok with being alone all the time......but it was less painful. Then of course when I got to the point in my life where I felt more open to attempting more interaction again the wall was still there, maybe because as a child I did not really get a lot of normal experiance with social interaction so that part did not develop like it maybe should have, it seems unable to figure out how to start a social interaction....if someone talks to me that will get it going or if its in the context of I am ordering food at a reasurant or a senrio in which you are 'supposed' to walk up and talk to them, or if i know the person but without an outside cue I seem not to know how to walk up and talk to someone.

I don't know if that makes sense but yeah its like I know If I wanted to and could I would go up to someone and say something to start a conversation, and then so on and so fourth....but as soon as my thought process gets to the part where I get up and actually do it theres like a wall there or something that prevents any further steps from being taken.


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12 Aug 2014, 6:33 pm


From my own experience as an adult with Aspergers(AS), discouragement, cynicism, and doubt are all too easy traps (the very sentiments often reflected in Wrong Planet(WP)). My concern is that feelings of discouragement become a "self-fulfilling prophecy" of sorts (sentiments also reflected in (WP)); hence that "vicious cycle" of discouragement.

My concern here is that people with (AS) become discouraged to a point of becoming silent! - hence alot of useful perspectives regarding what can boost the progress for (AS) are not being spoken; hence no clear ideas of agendas, and action plans that would otherwise boost progress for (AS), and involve thoughtful NTs in the process.

Personally, I'm able to usually stay positive; to a point of boosting awareness of (AS) concerns; esp. with such a rarity of people who start, and continue discussions on matters important to (AS).

One example, the discussion thread in the 'In-Depth Adult-Life FORUM' 'When Self Advocacy Alone Isn't Enough' (LINK) has received only seven responses (as of this writing). This is unacceptable, as self-advocacy (and what is helpful if self-advocacy is not an option) are at the heart of being independent!

What's more, the discussion thread offers opportunities to learn-from and encourage important NT/AS relationships.

Please refrain from that very discouragement that is in nobody's best interests. You'll likely feel encouraged; which is in everybody's best interests on (AS) progress!




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12 Aug 2014, 6:38 pm

Thread necromancy. :?

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13 Aug 2014, 12:48 pm

SilverProteus wrote:
Thread necromancy. :?



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13 Aug 2014, 1:21 pm

oceandrop wrote:
Is anyone else sensitive to criticism and easily discouraged?

I was discouraged by an insensitive moron regarding a special interest and now feel hurt and demotivated.
YES. YES. and m YES again!! !

I have felt similar feelings to the OP about special interests that were trashed by morons. It hurts but my love for my special interests prevailed and in time I was able to get back to them full swing again.

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13 Aug 2014, 1:24 pm

SilverProteus wrote:
Thread necromancy. :?
I don't think that matters so much with the subject matter of this thread. We still feel these same types of feelings even four years later. There no statute of limitations on these feelings and insecurities. It is fine and appropriate to discuss them at any time.

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

Wreck It Ralph