Indy wrote:
Sparhawke wrote:
Also because American comedians are really not funny, like most of ours except for Eddie Izzard.
Eddie Izzard is English and funny, so I'm not sure what you mean

I mean most of our so called great comedians are still a throwback from the BBC compere acts of the 1950s when everything was light entertainment so they weren't allowed to say anything riskier than a joke about a duck going into a bar and having the drinks put on his bill.
At least with Eddie he has this completely rambling style and you never quite knowwhere the hell he is going with it,
Ronnie Corbett] has not changed his style in 50 years...and even back then it was painfully scripted and boring.
You do not need to be offensive to be funny which is what a lot of the newer comedians seem to think...

Oh, okay, I just misread what you said.
I agree, Eddie Izzard is very funny - I like the fact he goes off on long rambling tangents.