I've found that when I do something like sleep in a different room, or miss at least one of my several daily rituals (making tea, reading a book with a bowl of popcorn, cooking dinner, being with my dog, etc) I'll often end up severely anxious and/or depressed for at least a week. it took me years to realize it was going on but if my routine is changed, even in a GOOD way, I have to plan for a strong negative reaction that can potentially spiral out of control, especially if my soothing behaviors (showering multiple times a day, being alone, playing computer games, any of the above daily rituals) are disrupted at the same time.
it's really frustrating, because something like going on a trip to a nice hotel in Chicago and then seeing family I love and like, who I haven't seen in years, can just by itself lead to me needing to lock myself in a room alone for at least 8 hours a day while on the trip, and that's if everything goes as well as it possibly could.
KADI score: 114/130
Your Aspie score: 139 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 54 of 200
Conversion Disorder, General/Social Anxiety Disorder, Major Depression