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20 Sep 2011, 10:00 pm

AtticusKane wrote:
As for the "what's in this container I have?" scenario, that isn't covered by psychic phenomena. It's entanglement. It's between two people, quantumly entangled. And it's more emotional feeling, as opposed to the myth of "I'm getting a vision.... I see.... A red box with writing on the side.... In a forest." That kind of thing is obvious bulls**t.

And for those without the experience, the emotional experience, or the subjective experience in general that is described, for all practical intents and purposes, it does not exist in the Universe of those that don't experience it or observe it.

Our Universes are only as big or real as what we perceive of them, and we all perceive the world differently.

Most everyone here that has responded acknowledges that something of this phenomeon exists, and it is the same response given in almost every thread regarding the issue. I've seen statistics in the general population, anywhere from 30 to 50 percent believe something related to the phenomenon exists.

I would agree, that the box example is not part of the phenomenon, and that some manipulate the issue for their own gain, but I wouldn't discount the element of reality, that may exist in the 30 to 50 percent that have experienced subjective evidence of it in their lives.


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20 Sep 2011, 10:06 pm

I am pretty sure that I have never had the kind of psychic experiences that the OP has described.

Sometimes, I have been able to put together a bunch of disparate facts to predict something that later happened to happen, from small events in people's lives to big events like 9/11. But I wouldn't consider these to be psychic experiences, just predictive models based on facts, and I never believed that these events were going to happen with great conviction.


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21 Sep 2011, 4:30 am

the "what's in the box" is only one part of the paranormal spectrum, and one that i myself have doubts about the validity from, yet i am willing to be amazed.

however, the empathic read and auric vision are things i agree with and, on occasion, experience myself.
i have, trough training and some meditation, become able to even use rudimentary control on this part of the paranormal, making others lose stress/anger/sadness by 'draining' thier aura of the negatives or sometimes i can instill fear without changing my bodylanguage or even moving a muscle.

also, i usually get a feel of the general mood whenever i enter a room full of people, and am usually correct, and i am often capable of noticing someone walking up to me from behind; outside of me high sensitivity, and also realise if i happen to be in their path, they want to talk to someone in the group i'm in or if they wish to pull a trick on me...


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21 Sep 2011, 7:31 am

btbnnyr wrote:
I am pretty sure that I have never had the kind of psychic experiences that the OP has described.

Sometimes, I have been able to put together a bunch of disparate facts to predict something that later happened to happen, from small events in people's lives to big events like 9/11. But I wouldn't consider these to be psychic experiences, just predictive models based on facts, and I never believed that these events were going to happen with great conviction.

Logic calculations have nothing to do with it. Nix, nada, rien.


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21 Sep 2011, 7:40 am

I keep have these dreams and waking up with an erection. I'm not sure what it means


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21 Sep 2011, 8:01 am

How was that genious quote about ignorance again? I dont remember, but I think ignorance is linked to stupidity and should be banned.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Sep 2011, 8:01 am

I've had one experience that I suppose could be called paranormal. I don't consider myself phsychic, though, because it's not something I have control over or experience on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, several people in my family (all skeptics, btw), have had similar experiences as well - always related to a highly-charged emotional event. It's actually not that uncommon and I hesitate to even call these types of experiences 'paranormal' because I think there's probably a logical, scientific explanation for it - we just don't know what it is yet.


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21 Sep 2011, 8:52 am

I believe it is not psychic power but logical deduction. When I worked at a machine shop people use to think I was psychic because I could tell when this one machine was going to break down. I was able to tell by the way it vibrated the floor. I am sensetive to vibrations, it makes me nervous so I notice when the vibrations change. I sometimes would know what machine was on before walking around the corner just by the different vibrations they gave off through the floor. That one machine when it was getting ready to break down it would get ready to slip a belt or a rod so the vibrations would change a day or two before fully busting, I would tell the boss and we would stop the machine and I was always right. They could not believe I could feel the different vibrations even though several machines were running at the same time so they delcared me a psychic. :roll:

When I worked at a resteraunt a takeout girl had a heated arguement with her boyfriend in the parking lot. I watched the argument just incase her boyfriend hit her. The boyfriend peeled out out of the parking lot and she was balling her eyes out. When she came in she decided to take her anger out on me so I asked her "Whats the matter? Your boyfriend leave you because your pregnate?" I guessed right and everyone was doing the Twilight Zone theme music then called me a psychic. :roll:

My psychic experiences have been because of noticing my environment and deductive reasoning with a little bit of luck thrown in. I have always been good at guessing.

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson


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21 Sep 2011, 9:06 am

Whether or not you want to call it psychic power or something else, I strongly believe that I have connection to reigns of perception other people lack. After all, I don't have access to certain aspects of thinking most other people do, so why should it not work the other way around? I have both a very accurate internal clock and compass, and it always amazes my friends that I can determine the time of the day within 10 minutes, as well as directions. I can feel what phase of the moon it is at the moment. No matter if it can be called pre-cognition, but I did have some pretty accurate predictions about things happening in the immediate future. One thing that I remember very prominently is when my mother was visiting her sister in the south. In the evining, my brother called, which is nothing out of the ordinary, but the moment I picked up the phone, before he could say anything, I said "Our mother had a car accident!", which he was just about to tell me. I feld edgy the whole day before, and when I uttered these words, I didn't even know why, I just knew it. It was not a guess, I knew it 100% for certain that this is the news my brother was going to tell me. Another thing, which may be a little too much of a clichee, was about 10 years ago. I was on a school trip in Prague, sleeping in a hotel, getting up in the middle of the night after having a horrible nightmare, and I knew that this night, something incredibly terrible has happened. It was 9/11/2001.
While I don't believe in ghosts or paranormal activity per se, I do think that every human being has the ability to tap into unknown senses. How they work, why they work, what do I know? A person that has influenced me in this matter is James Randi. I do believe that to any kind of phenomena that can be witnessed, there is a scientific explanation rather than a supernatural one.


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21 Sep 2011, 10:01 am

So far, I've received no PMs to my challenge.

I am amused, however, by all of the lame excuses being offered...

:lol: :lol: :lol:


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21 Sep 2011, 11:13 am

Lets give Fnord right.

Because Fnord is right... in his theory. We cant guess whats in his box. I fully agree.

Dear Fnord,
we are talking about different things.

Fnord wrote:
I am amused, however, by all of the lame excuses being offered...

Can you please explain those excuses?

It isnt useful to think one knows everything, and that there is nothing above own comprehension that can exist, because we are only human beings and we should consider that there is still undiscovered knowledge to learn.

You can forget everything that you think you know about this topic, because it isnt relevant. Nobody claims to see in the future or other wizardry.

We talk about experiences that are unexplainable today, but which may be logically explained in the future.


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21 Sep 2011, 11:31 am

Maje wrote:
Fnord wrote:
I am amused, however, by all of the lame excuses being offered...
Can you please explain those excuses?


They're being expressed to cover up an utter lack of paranormal or psychic ability or activity.

Strange how the most common excuse seems to be "it doesn't work that way", while there is no consistent and clear explanation of how paranormal/psychic abilities are supposed to work (assuming they do at all).

There exists no empirical evidence to support any claim for paranormal or psychic abilities, or for anyone ever having experienced a psychic or paranormal event.


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21 Sep 2011, 12:15 pm

Fnord wrote:
There exists no empirical evidence to support any claim for paranormal or psychic abilities, or for anyone ever having experienced a psychic or paranormal event.

Evidences dont grow on trees.

I think the main reason why this theme is not sufficiently investigated is because people with your attitude block the road by declaring it as nonsense and thereby declaring that everybody who talks about it must be crazy. Today anybody who tries to investigate the topic can risk receiving a reputation for being out of their minds because of people like you. You explain to us the universe, mister. After declaring many people as crazy, you owe us the explanation for the incidents that happen. I am also open for the possibility that it is all imagination. You just provide the evidence that states we can not connect to each other in such a way that many people claim to have experienced.

Continue the following sentence please:

Psychic experiences are impossible because.....


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21 Sep 2011, 3:28 pm

Maje wrote:
Fnord wrote:
There exists no empirical evidence to support any claim for paranormal or psychic abilities, or for anyone ever having experienced a psychic or paranormal event.

Evidences dont grow on trees.

I think the main reason why this theme is not sufficiently investigated is because people with your attitude block the road by declaring it as nonsense and thereby declaring that everybody who talks about it must be crazy. Today anybody who tries to investigate the topic can risk receiving a reputation for being out of their minds because of people like you. You explain to us the universe, mister. After declaring many people as crazy, you owe us the explanation for the incidents that happen. I am also open for the possibility that it is all imagination. You just provide the evidence that states we can not connect to each other in such a way that many people claim to have experienced.

Continue the following sentence please:

Psychic experiences are impossible because.....

That's an interesting point, the recent research done by Bem into precognition using erotic pictures as a psychological stimulus, showed a greater than significant correlation that pre-cognition was reliably demonstrated in his experiements.

Bem is a highly respected researcher in the field of psychology, but in investigating this phenomenon, and providing the results this year, he received a great deal of criticism for his efforts among his peers, even though his methodology was sound and peer reviewed as solid. Others have gone as far as to suggest that the standard scientific methodology used in psychological research is flawed in reference to his positive results in 9 out of 10 experiments done over the span of eight years with close to a 1000 subjects.

Research is currently being done using similiar methodology with psychologically stimulating factors added in to replicate his results.

However, the real contribution of this paper isn’t even these statistically significant results. Instead, it’s Bem’s attempt to create rigorous, well-controlled tests of psi that can be replicated by independent investigators. Because here is the dirty secret of anomalous phenomena like telepathy and clairvoyance: They’ve been demonstrated dozens of times, often by reputable scientists. (Bem is an extremely well-respected psychologist, best known for his work on self-perception.) Why, then, do serious scientists dismiss the possibility of psi? Why do rational people assume that parapsychology is BS? Because these exciting results have consistently failed the test of replication.

And this is why Bem’s paper is so important: It provides the first testable framework for the investigation of anomalous psychological properties. Unlike most tests of psi or ESP, Bem’s research builds upon well-known experimental paradigms, and minimizes the contact between the experimenter and the subject. The data collection was automated and accurate; the paper passed peer-review. (Charles Judd, who oversaw the review process at JPSP, said: “This paper went through a series of reviews from some of our most trusted reviewers.”) Only time will tell if the data holds up. But at least time will tell us something.


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21 Sep 2011, 5:17 pm

Dear Fnord

For those that know, no explanation is neccessary
For those that dont
None are possible

I feel for your dumbfounded responses, in time you may open a door.

Have you ever tried to explain something to someone who was closed off? Like sadaspie and women??

There are more things.... Horatio....


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22 Sep 2011, 7:50 am

it's all in your head. psychics arent real