I have a lot of issues with asking for help, and it's so tangled up in so many things I still haven't been able to fully deconstruct it. Big issues I've identified were:
* I didn't know that help was available
* I didn't know how to ask
* I didn't realize I needed help
* On occasions when I asked for help, the help I received was useless or worse than useless
I knew I had a lot of difficulties, but the thought of therapy never crossed my mind until I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, and even then talking about lifetime failures that I really needed to talk about never crossed my mind.
I remember as a child asking for homework help and getting useless responses from both parents. It always came down to "You're smart, you can figure it out."
More recently, when I was writing, I was also on a chat server with other writers as well as friends and people only peripherally involved - it wasn't a professional hub, more of a casual/friendly place where professional stuff got discussed. I would ask for assistance with particular bits of research/information and often people would turn it into a joke for several minutes, and this could trigger meltdowns (if one was already on its way), or help one along. I had trouble understanding the difference between friendly and malicious teasing (and still sometimes do), which was the problem.
What it came down to is that I have had a lot of trouble asking for help because of not knowing I could or knowing how, or being discouraged by past attempts apparently blowing up in my face.
I've tried to start a thread similar to this so many times over the past several months.