abitclueless wrote:
I did some research by typing "cure for hypersensitivity to sound" into Google. The medical name for it is hyperacusis and a possible treatment is Auditory Integration Therapy or AIT. This is where low levels of white noise are played for 30 mins twice a day for, I think it said 10 days. So now I personally would like to find somewhere that does it in either Belfast or the Greater Belfast area because I really am fed up living with it.
Interesting. I regularly play white noise (or pink noise) to drown out the noise my neighbours make. It's often remarkably efficient, especially if I tailor the EQ curve of the white noise to that of the intrusive noise. I haven't noticed any therapeutic effect on my sensitivity to noise though. I've never found white noise to be in the least intrusive, unless I play it very loudly indeed.