Agemaki wrote:
It didn't really come as a surprise that driving was extemely difficult for me given my history of poor motor coordination. (I did not learn to ride a bike until age ten and had difficulty making contact between ball and stick in various sports.) However, I didn't understand the cause of my troubles and the general attitude toward driving was that it was simply something that everyone needed to do, almost as a sort of coming-of-age rite. I remember I had more than a few misgivings about it and thus put off driver's ed until the summer after my junior year (at least it wouldn't detract from precious homework time that way).
Once behind the wheel it seemed like I lacked a sense for the physical dimensions of the vehicle. One of the teachers said encouragingly that eventually the vehicle would feel just like an extension of our own bodies. But as person who not unfrequently misjudges the breadth of her own shoulders when passing through doorways, this was not a source of great comfort.
I never learned to ride a bike. I also never learned to drive. With driving I had no one to teach me. My mother never had a car or a license. None of my relatives had any interest in teaching me. I never had driver's ed in school. The last year I was in normal classes in a normal school was sixth grade and I quit when I was 16.
I am uncoordinated, have poor balance, get motion sickness easily and can't do so many things at once. Having to operate a car at faster than a slow crawl amongst other moving cars and various obstacles seems like it wouldn't end well for me. The few times I practiced in parking lots with friends it really bothered me that my vision around me was so obstructed by the car and I can't judge where the car is or how fast it's going.
I don't expect to ever get a license.
On the forums for the mmorpg I play there was a topic about a certain boss that some people can't do because they have slow reflexes and can't do a lot of things at once. One poster said something along the lines of if you can drive a car you can do this boss. I could honestly say that I can't drive a car.