I tend to tell people, if I'm going for the short version, something like... well I try to actually avoid the abstractified word "autism" and just go for "autistic people", so I do something like:
Autistic people perceive the world differently than most people do, and this also means that we're going to react to it differently and think differently, in fact a lot of our thinking is carried out in areas of the brain usually considered merely perceptual, etc. Which leads to a whole lot of differences in how we think about and respond to the world, and which parts of the world we think about and respond to. Doctors tend to view the whole thing in terms of impaired social interaction etc, but it's more likely that the social impairment goes both ways, you guys don't understand us any better than we understand you, the social stuff is more a matter of two totally different ways of perceiving the world colliding.
Or something like that.
Then there are specific things I'll explain as necessary, such as:
* Overload
* Shutdown
* Difficulty locating and moving body parts
* Thinking outside language, difficulty translating
* Perceiving things in patterns, and very different patterns than most people perceive
* Being able (unlike, generally, non-autistic people) to turn off our mental hallucinations about the world and experience it directly
* Arriving at the same actions through a totally different cognitive pathway
* Different social perceptions, and different social actions, but the fact that autistic perception is uniformly different from non-autistic perception both in and out of social areas (so autism is not "social")
* Dealing with so much information that no more can be shoved in at the moment
* Difficulty with spoken language (largely because of the huge amount of things that need to be coordinated at once -- thought, language, complex movement, sound, etc)
* Being able to either move or perceive or think abstractly, but not any more than one at once
* Tending towards implicit rather than explicit learning
...and lots of other stuff.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams
Last edited by anbuend on 30 Sep 2006, 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.