My own daughter is a lot of work, but I don't get agitated by her. Of course, as she's likely to get a diagnosis of AS, she's not typical. But, I get annoyed at the way other kids react to her. From my experience, young kids can be judgemental. I didn't expect it to happen quite so soon (she's only 5yrs), but it has - I'm sure kids are getting younger when they acquire this streak. My friend told me that her 6yr old son asked if he could get a new schoolbag. She said it was still good and asked why he wanted one. He said that some kids in his class said to him that he had that bag last year and that he should have a new one. She's too sensible to bow to pressure, but he's upset. Kids says those sort of things to my daughter, but she doesn't care (for now anyway).
Teenagers can be a bit annoying - I mean the typical kind, screaming when they meet their friends, walking 4 abreadth, blocking the way ahead, throwing litter all over the place (I've travelled and this country is by far the worse that I've been to, for teenage litterbugs). My daughter (who is only 5yrs old) will tut and say, 'Teenagers, they are so annoying, I'm not going to be like that when I'm older' and I believe her.
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiatic about." Charles Kingsley