I'm not really a big math buff, though I do play around with a calculator from time to time. Mostly, though, it's just because I like watching the numbers go by as I do it. Calculators are also tools that can make keeping track of sets and reps during exercise very easy.
As a kid, I favored 7. I had a pair of gray shorts that had a patch on them that said "Secret Agent X-7". I was very unhappy to outgrow them. But later on, I discovered Fibonacci numbers, and it was pretty much all over for poor 7. Since then, it's been 3, 5, and 8. I even knew someone who had a a phone number consisting of only those digits. I envied her a bit for that. A string of seven digits, my old favorite (and, of course, a prime number, as has been noted) made up of my favorite Fibonacci numbers. Too cool!
Life is a classroom for a mind without walls.
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