Well, I totally get where you're coming from, but mine wasn't as bad as yours. Nobody really insisted in me talking, they just kinda let me do what I wanted to. My house definitely felt crowded though. I kept trying to walk somewhere to do something, and I had to keep going a different way, going around people, or standing there looking like an idiot while waiting for them to move... That was very annoying. Then a couple people commented on the fact that I was eating ham and pineapples instead of turkey(I f*****g hate turkey, so i just eat ham). And my girlfriend's mom asked "who bought stove-top stuffing?" when she saw the boxes. Initially that pissed me off, but I think that was because I was just in a sh***y mood because I felt crowded. They made homemade stuffing, but it was cooked in the turkey gizzard/giblets, whatever the hell, I'm not sure which is the right word, so it would taste like turkey, and I really don't like the taste of turkey at all. I never have. Plus half the stuffing was actually stuffed inside the turkey, so yeah, i'm definitely not eating that s**t.
Oh yeah, and my neighbor came over to talk about something, I don't remember what, but I made a comment about how I'd be pissed if I had to work at wal mart on thanksgiving. This prompted her to go into "condescending lecture mode," in which she proceeded to tell me how she's had to work most of her life on holidays, and how I would probably be upset if I had to go to the ER or needed an ambulance or police officer on thanksgiving and didn't have access to those things... Now THIS really pissed me off. I don't really care too much about holidays in the first place. They're ALL commercialized, and I don't agree with/don't care too much about what they are celebrating. So I would have absolutely no problem working on a holiday. But, I wouldn't want to work at a RETAIL STORE on thanksgiving, especially this year, since now they're starting black friday sales on thanksgiving. So... apparently my neighbor doesn't understand that there's a large difference in importance between retail clerks and emergency medical care people.
Other than that, I had a good thanksgiving. I got to spend it with my girlfriend's family, which, coincidentally, is more accepting of me than my own.