Verdandi wrote:
Editing my first response:
I don't want to just say that can't be right out of hand. I would be unsurprised that handedness causes more difficulties beyond learning disabilities - I'm left-handed too, and I had my share of difficulties. I think trying to adapt to it is why I am semi-mixed, in that I can do a lot of things with my right hand, just out of self-defense.
The research I quoted really should be validated on a larger scale.
Its why I posted what I did. I find scientists tend to view it from a perspective that leaves out way too much. I myself find no link between the two. Well I really should be saying Correlation =/= causation, but a lot of science articles ive been reading nowadays + the stupidity that results when the masses are being dumb like usual and misinterpreting things has gotten to me. IE: I really need to stop reading stupid-ass comments at the bottom of not just science news but regular news articles. (and yes being round too much stupidity, even virtual has triggered meltdowns for me due to the simple frustration of realizing that I am surrounded by nothing but stupid. In fact its why I got fired from my job a few weeks back.).
But yeah other problems with being left handed? Lets see... from own experience....
1)I cannot for the life of me learn to drive stick. Unless I was in England...
2)Its near impossible for me to use knifes because holding one with the 'wrong' hand actually drastically changes how the pressure gets applied to the blade itself.
3)I refuse to touch power tools because all the guards are on the side for righties by default. Why do we have to put extra work into just switching the guards around, or extra money because of the fact that some guards are either built in or molded to a specific side.
4)This one is a bit of a weird issue but nonetheless an issue for me. If gotten into quite a few arguments and or brawls because I have a tendency to walk on the left side and work against the flow. I cant f*****g help the fact that I naturally drift over to the left when walking, plus it is easier for me to open the left door which causes its own problems.
Im just sick in general of how it is that WE have to change, not the so called "normals"