Odd Visual Perception

Joined: 20 Sep 2006
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Posts: 6,012
Location: Middle Earth. Er, I mean Wellywood. Wait, Wellington.
I've actually just drawn the same image on a piece of paper in front of me, and got the same effect. This time I found I had to think about it quite hard though. Weird.
I can relate to that! I think it's actually related to the image that can either have a vase or two faces.

Many of my friends say that they can only see either, but I can see both the face AND the vase. For the cube thing, try playing around with this picture:

I've noticed it doesn't work on drawings with perspective. Well, it does, but the object will change shape drastically and look all wonky. I do this all the time at school, it's quite fun!
I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
And sadness turned to comfort
We all go there
Well the difference is optical illusions are designed for that sort of strange effect.
What we're talking about happens with nearly everything 2 dimensional especially if there is a high contrast.
One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
"White Rabbit" - Jefferson Airplane
"Many of my friends say that they can only see either, but I can see both the face AND the vase"
Interesting, because I just noticed that I can too. Generally one is more dominant, depending on which I focus on, but I can still see both at the same time. I guess thats not normal. I used to only see one at a time, or at least I never tried to see both at the same time. Its my understanding that a lot of optical illusions don't work on autistics, because their brains dont compensate to "fix" an image, they take it all literally. Alot of those that don't work on autistics do work on me though. But some don't.
But yeah, those illusions are meant to look wierd, anyone can see the cube invert, thats what its meant to do. But the other images, its like almost eveythings a magic eye, except it doesnt' stop when you lose your focus, and theres no wierd pattern required like a magic eye, it just happens.
I guess "magic eye" is the best way to describe it. (you know, the pictures with the patterns that you focus on and bring it farther away until a 3d image appears)
It is sometimes stronger than othere times. Sometimes it is really obvious, sometimes not. Some images I see it in stronger than others. Sometimes I try to pin down what exact criteria are required and I thought it was brightly colored contrasting colors, because they do it more than anything else(especially advertisements), but lots of times even black and white photos do it. It seems more like the individual image is the most important.
I have gotten used to it now, though sometimes when its real strong its kindof neat. But within the past few weeks something else randomly started. I have started to see movement in pictures and objects. Especially with patterns or complexity. I will look at a picture of trees for example, and it will look like the leaves are flowing and shifting. Sometimes I will look at an object and it will look like it is getting farther away or closer, or moving in relation to other things. But when I find the edge of the object and focus on it, the perceptions stops.
I don't know if these things have to do with aspergers or not, but they obviously are psychological in nature (its not my eyes). I am not crazy. I've never had hallucinations of voices or things that weren't there (I'm not sure if the perceptions I have count as hallucinations or not). I am actually relatively normal, and most people would be very surprised if I told them I was autistic--I am a bit "eccentric" but have good social skills (My brothers call me Kramer). I guess what makes me the most different is my thought processes, not very linear. I recently started taking adderol and stratera, and its really annoying how linear my thoughts have become. But I still percieve images the same way.
Does anyone know anything about this, or had wierd perceptions like these?
Some persons can see objects in their heads naturally (architects, sculptors).
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
http://www.epilepsyontario.org/client/E ... d+Syndrome
Some medicines can change vision, however, you report that you don't feel that Adderall and Strattera are causing this as a side-effect.
At some point you might wish to talk to your family doctor or family eye doctor about this and run your observations by them.
i was going to say Irlen syndrome. (are they the same?)
i don't know why it would have just started all of a sudden. not a side-effect of your medication?
i have similar perceptive oddities - stripes, text, and contrasting colors will flicker or "buzz" and i have trouble looking directly at certain things. i easily see "movement" in shadows and very "loud" afterimages of patterns and lights. and some patterns also seem to buzz or tremble a little bit. it has either gotten worse as i've gotten older, or (as with some sound sensitivities) the more i focus on being present and space out less, the more i notice it. i have just figured it was a mild visual overload thing, or irlen syndrome.
i don't mind it either, except when i'm trying to read. i have to be careful where i sit (and what is in my peripheral vision)
by the way, Juggernaut, your avatar actually is moving.
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.