The_Perfect_Storm wrote:
Why would somebody want to use one of these lol. WTF.
Just because you don't have any reason to use one of these, doesn't mean that everyone doesn't.
One example:
Someone I know was looking for us while we were moving into a new apartment. He knew what street we were on, but not the particular house. Unfortunately for him, none of us knew it but the police were doing a drug bust on a house on that street that day. He looked suspicious, walking down the street, looking at each house, and they thought he had something to do with the drug house for some reason. So he was chased down by plain clothes cops (after they said stop, and he thought he was being mugged because he didn't know they were police), tackled, and handcuffed. He then was questioned, before we eventually showed up, saw him, and between him and us we were able to explain what happened.
If that happened to me, there's no way I wouldn't have entered a shutdown. I'd have lost all ability to speak, and had drastically reduced functionality in pretty much every other way. They'd have been questioning me and I wouldn't have been able to respond. I
would have been brought to the station, unless I had a way to communicate what was going on.
However, more generally than an obscure situation that won't necessarily come up.
I react very strongly to sensory input, yet am not visibly disabled. Many of my stims aren't even stereotypical autistic ones. People don't always take me seriously and I can't always explain to them what's going on to me. There are very normal things (e.g. headlights on a car) that I find incredibly overwhelming and I lose the ability to process much when exposed to these.
If I need to answer questions, I'd need to tell them that I can't do everything they expect of a normal person, and not have this either big a big "this person is lying, see, they're not looking in my eyes" or "this person isn't speaking, they must be trying to hide things from me".