Guineapigged wrote:
I should probably clarify that I'm female.
Thanks for all the suggestions so far, but I'm still unsure about what to do. My Dad say I shouldn't get it cut short because I would look butch. My Mum says I should just get a few inches off until I've made a decision. However, I was hoping that by getting it all cut off at once I could donate it to this charity that makes wigs for children. If I get a bit cut off now, I won't have enough to donate.
I hate having hair falling on my forehead or brushing my neck, or any part of me. My solution is going to seem like the exact opposite of what you want since you stated you "hate hair", but here is what I did, after trying everything: I let it grow. It's almost to my waist now. The huge upside of this is that I sleep with my hair in a braid, so that in the morning it takes 5 seconds to brush. Then I bun it. There are all sort of different buns available, you don't have to look like your grandmother. Not one hair touches me, and I don't have to go and pay a hairdresser a ridiculous amount of money every month to keep it from touching my neck.
Plus, if I want to impress a partner, I have an "instant sexy trick" always handy: let it all down