seekingtruth wrote:
In my son's case, he's 6, it's a big problem with people expecting more of him then he can handle. He looks so perfect and it causes people to assume he's just like all the other kids his age, but he's not. I find myself explaining all the time because they think he is just misbehaving.
he's in 1st grade and has already been punched in the stomache by two different kids because he was too much in their personal space which he just doesn't understand.
He was denied help by his school because they focused on speech for his eval, which is BS as people who understand Asperger's know that kids will often have very good, almost adult speech as a young Aspie. He's finally getting a second eval since he's now fallen way behind his classmates, but it pisses me off because he had a great head start before entering his public school. I'd had him in a special pre-school in which he did exceedingly well and contacted our district the spring before he started kindergarten to get things set up for him and they spent 5 min. with him and said he was fine and needed no special help.
I get pretty angry that the school pretty much ignored his special needs just because we'd done so much pro-active work with him and gave him a great head start. Now he's slipped backwards quite a bit and now he's finally getting a second eval.
Very disspappointing.
Just for the record I skipped two grades in Elementary school. I was very tall as well so people always assumed I 3-5 yrs. older than I actually was. I've also always reasoned about 5 yrs. ahead of my age. I would go to the state or something about this. I don't have any kids so I wish I could be more help but it's definitely not right. I was homeschooled most of my life and can say it was lonely and troublesome. It doesn't have to be though, getting your kids in local reading groups or anything of the matter should be enough for a child with Autism. I also look "normal" and my own mother was the one to ridicule me for my indifference.