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24 Dec 2011, 11:58 am

I'll be spending Christmas with all of you. Merry Christmas!! !

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24 Dec 2011, 11:58 am

Merry Christmas to you too, Marcia, and to all people in WP.

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24 Dec 2011, 12:15 pm

Merry Christmas, all my new WP friends! I'm going later to sing in the two Christmas Eve services at my church and in between watch my favorite cheesy stop motion movies: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Santa Claus is Coming to Town.


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24 Dec 2011, 12:28 pm

OJani wrote:
I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I baked this traditional pastry for Christmas to my family, and I wish I could offer some to you all! :rendeer:


Looks tasty ojani!! :D

A merry, merry Christmas to you all and hope you have a fine year :)


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24 Dec 2011, 12:33 pm

League_Girl wrote:
I love hearing the words Merry Christmas. It means political correctness has not taken over everything for the holiday.

Political correctness has nothing to do with it. Would you be offended if someone wished you a happy chanukkah? By the way, happy holidays, at least to me, always meant "have a happy thanksgiving, merry christmas, and happy new year." Cuz you know, there's a bit of a cluster of HOLIDAYS, hence the "happy holidayS." Even if that's not how people mean it, what reason do you have for getting upset if someone else wishes you a happy holiday without specifying which holiday they think you celebrate? What if they don't know? it's called being polite and not cramming their religious beliefs and holidays down your throat, which you(and others who claim there's a war on christmas) seem to enjoy doing so much to them.

For the record, I HATE political correctness, but at the same time, I'm not gonna go out of my way to be an ass. Take what they said for what it is... their wish that you have a good day, and stop reading into it like it's some attack on your personal beliefs or whatever you think it is.

Happy WINTER SOLSTICE, even though it's just another day to me. Oh yeah, and bah humbug.


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24 Dec 2011, 12:56 pm

Verdandi wrote:
Marcia wrote:
Oh, ok.

I don't live in a monoculture, so maybe that makes it more acceptable to be distinctive.

There's actually no problem with "Merry Christmas" in the US. Hardly anyone complains about it, and the people who complain about "happy holidays" are simply making stuff up. I don't know when the fiction that "happy holidays" was a sign of a war on Christmas, or anti-Christmas, or whatever kind of martyred fake-oppressed attitude people came up with became popular, but before that happened, no one cared when you said "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas" because it was just a pleasantry.

Now people complain about political correctness and how Jews and Muslims allegedly hate Christmas, and I have to wonder just what kind of fiction these people believe they're living in. No one's out to kill Christmas. But, the problem isn't that anyone really wants to stop Christmas. The problem is that sometimes people acknowledge that everything in December isn't about Christmas, and I guess that attitude, that the American WASP monoculture isn't the entirety of the US cultural fabric, just offends some people. Mostly, I think they need to get over it because it's not that big a deal. It shouldn't be any kind of deal. Anyone who wants to make it one is just being oversensitive and looking to be offended.

Wiki on the topic:

I've been reading stories online over the years like "Merry Christmas" is now "Happy Holidays" and I hear workers have to say that now than "Merry Christmas." I have read an article online how schools don't put up much Christmas decorations because it offends people now and how kids can't go around in the school anymore singing Christmas carols. There was a teacher who took "gay" out of "deck the halls" and used a different word instead. ... erman.html

http://community.seattletimes.nwsource. ... ug=4051897

Here is a song by Train, who versions of it, one PC and one real. The only different is they changed a word in it to Holiday from Christmas.



Honestly all this scares me so that is why I hate it so much. I am aware Happy Holidays has been around for a while because there is an old song called that. If it weren't for the internet, I would not have been aware of any of this. In fact I would not know about the term "Political correct" since that is where I first got it and I never heard it in real life. I don't know how much worse it is going to get when I keep hearing crazy stories about it. I just try and live with it and I will certainly not PC up my apartment nor any future home I will be living in every holiday and if it offends someone, shoot me. They have to live with it. If someone gets offended by me telling someone Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday, I don't care. I wouldn't be offended if someone told me Happy Hanukkah.


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24 Dec 2011, 1:06 pm

Verdandi wrote:
Marcia wrote:
Oh, ok.

I don't live in a monoculture, so maybe that makes it more acceptable to be distinctive.

There's actually no problem with "Merry Christmas" in the US. Hardly anyone complains about it, and the people who complain about "happy holidays" are simply making stuff up. I don't know when the fiction that "happy holidays" was a sign of a war on Christmas, or anti-Christmas, or whatever kind of martyred fake-oppressed attitude people came up with became popular, but before that happened, no one cared when you said "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas" because it was just a pleasantry.

Now people complain about political correctness and how Jews and Muslims allegedly hate Christmas, and I have to wonder just what kind of fiction these people believe they're living in. No one's out to kill Christmas. But, the problem isn't that anyone really wants to stop Christmas. The problem is that sometimes people acknowledge that everything in December isn't about Christmas, and I guess that attitude, that the American WASP monoculture isn't the entirety of the US cultural fabric, just offends some people. Mostly, I think they need to get over it because it's not that big a deal. It shouldn't be any kind of deal. Anyone who wants to make it one is just being oversensitive and looking to be offended.

Wiki on the topic:

These days, I say "Happy Holidays" because it's become more "politically incorrect" than, "Merry Christmas," ever was.

Shame on anyone who tries to oppress my freedom of expression. :D

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24 Dec 2011, 1:07 pm


There's nothing there. It's all rumors and insinuations. There are two versions of the song, not a single song that avoids Christmas. I doubt many people want you or anyone else to never say Merry Christmas or never celebrate Christmas. The whole idea of the "war on Christmas" is not that there's really a war on Christmas. It's that people are offended that stores have shifted their advertising a bit to make room for other holidays that people celebrate around the same time.

Seriously, you have nothing to worry about. I am a bona fide heathen and I celebrate Christmas with my family. It doesn't offend me in the least (although one could argue that being raised in a Christian household is responsible for that). I have met literally one person in my entire life who actually took Christmas as a personal affront, and that person was one of the most unpleasant people I have ever known.

Most of the stories you read online are the above, rumor and insinuation. They want you to feel besieged by Hannukah and and Jews and Muslims and god knows who else, but it's really nothing. And acknowledging someone else's holidays, or just saying "happy holidays" is not an attack against Christmas.


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24 Dec 2011, 1:22 pm

Well it's good to know that "happy chanukkah" wouldn't offend you. But if that's the case, then why should happy holidays offend you? There's stupidity on both ends of this. I'm sure there really are some people out there who get offended if you say merry christmas to them when they don't celebrate it. Those people are idiots, getting offended because someone wished them a happy day. On the other end, those who celebrate christmas and get offended when someone wishes them a happy day but does not specifically mention christmas are also idiots. Just take it for what it is. They wished you a happy day. Say "thanks, you too," move on, and be done with it... Is that so hard?

As for the homosexual who wanted "gay" removed from deck the halls, he's an idiot too. Gay means happy, not homosexual. That is its original definition. The song does not refer to putting homosexual clothing(how can clothing be homosexual anyway? it's not even alive, so it sure as hell doesn't have a sexual preference), but "happy" clothing, which, now that I think about it, doesn't really make sense either. I guess it just means put on bright colorful clothing that will make other people happy or something.

Either way, I totally agree with all the anti-PC stuff. I f****n hate PC too, but I don't see a problem with either merry christmas OR happy holidays, or specifically mentioning any other holiday. It's all just a buncha s**t to get us to see more differences among each other so that we have something else to argue and fight about.


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24 Dec 2011, 1:41 pm


The Family Enigma


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24 Dec 2011, 1:46 pm


Merry Christmas

Happy Hanukkah

Blessed Yule/Winter Solstice

Happy Kwanzaa

etc. (if I left anything out).

I am NOT being facetious, btw. Let all of this be said. IMO, that's diversity!

So whichever you celebrate, make it a good one for yourselves. :D

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24 Dec 2011, 1:53 pm

I do not mind other holidays. If stores decided to sell other holiday stuff, it wouldn't bother me because not everyone does Christmas and some do Hanuka or Kwanza, that isn't even political correctness, it's about fairness. If people call it that, then I would assume PC is also about fairness and that PC isn't bad. It also wouldn't bother me if my son's school decided to do Hanuka and Kwanza stuff because at least he would learn about other holidays. It would bother me if other parents threw a fit about it and tried getting the school to stop it. Then that is where the term "politcal correctness" get thrown in by people who didn't see a problem with it.

I used to not mind Happy Holiday until someone said it was political correctness so I thought it was a way to not offend people because they couldn't stand hearing "Merry Christmas" or seeing the words so I thought why should companies have to change their greeting and stores too and now people? Would they be offended with Happy Hanuka or Happy Thanksgiving or happy new Year or the words 4th of July and so on? So I get happy when I still hear the words Merry Christmas knowing not everyone is catering to those people who are offended. Now I think when people say Happy Holiday to me, I think they are trying to be PC thinking I'd am one of those sensitive souls who be offended so I say "you can tell me Merry Christmas, I won't be offended." But as I said in another thread before, some people are offended by PCness so people are being PC by not being PC. :lol:


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24 Dec 2011, 2:24 pm

whitemissacacia wrote:
Wether you've got Aspergers, other form of autism, or are NT, I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and all the best for 2012.

I personally dislike Christmas, but you guys mean a lot to me. Since I joined Wrongplanet, I've realised how wonderful this feeling of belonging is. I would therefore like to share my happiness with you lot.


I'm glad you feel accepted here and found people who are similar to you. I too am not a huge fan of Christmas, only because of how commercial and materialistic it has become.

Thanks though merry christmas and a happy new year!


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24 Dec 2011, 3:04 pm

DerStadtschutz wrote:
As for the homosexual who wanted "gay" removed from deck the halls, he's an idiot too. Gay means happy, not homosexual. That is its original definition. The song does not refer to putting homosexual clothing(how can clothing be homosexual anyway? it's not even alive, so it sure as hell doesn't have a sexual preference), but "happy" clothing, which, now that I think about it, doesn't really make sense either. I guess it just means put on bright colorful clothing that will make other people happy or something.

There's no reason to change the lyrics in Deck the Hells, but "gay" does mean homosexual these days. Words evolve over time.


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24 Dec 2011, 3:57 pm

A Happy Yuletide season to all! :D I will think of you all when I watch "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" tonight. ( Only in the happiest, most Seussian way, no one get mad...)

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24 Dec 2011, 7:34 pm

For whatever day this may or may not be, or you may or may not celebrate, felicitations or commiserations as you please. I leave you with something from my childhood to virtually play with:
Nerdy Toys

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