I doubt that you (or anybody who is not, or a specialist specialized in ASD, or someone who go to events specially designed to aspies/auties) will have meet enough aspies in your life to say that you can spot other aspies
Spot on.
I never cease to be amazed by the sheer number of aspie's some people claim to know and how easy they are to spot. They must be EVERYWHERE. Not in my world.
Well put. Not in my world either. I come into contact with approximately 300 students per week and have done so for about eight years now. That makes thousands of people. In that time, I have come across two diagnosed ASD students - one male and one female.
Also, I used to work as a consultant in disability services for a huge university - in the years I did that, I never had one student on the spectrum. Lots of dyslexics, a handful of schizophrenics, a few with phobias, a number with physical disabilities but no one on the spectrum. I recently asked someone who has worked in this field for years and he has come across precisely one, a woman.
I read somewhere - was it the NAS web site? - that the current estimate is one in 100 males is on the spectrum; that number drops to one in 400 females.