Laz wrote:
Well lets look at this on a balance
Any of you who are under the dellusion that being with an asperger partner (yourself included) is not differnt or potentially challenging to anyone who initially is not familair with AS is living in fairyland here. This site wouldnt have a niche otherwise. Some of what they say is justified the advice they recieve is more like a bunch of house wifes gathering together to b**** at their husbands some of those threads read as scripts from desperate housewives for gawds sake.
Now on the other hand I read what some of these partners says and to be quite frank im laughing at their inability to communicate when supposidly it is their partner with the communication difficulty I mean I do wonder if these people are actually trying to be in mature adult relationships because it doesnt read or come across that way. Infact sometimes I wonder if there not pisstakes as opposed to real people i mean i wonder what a relationship would be like with these people between your average person.
I'm sure some of us are difficult - myself included. But, don't some NT's seem to be seriously high maintenance themselves - unable to amuse themselves, always needing compliments, ect. I also wonder - if these men were so unemotional or uncaring why did they get along with them in the first place - apparently it wasn't their charming personality