HazelEye wrote:
Ganondox wrote:
HazelEye wrote:
Words can not express my hatred for these guys, they really can't. You've all ruined X-Men for me BTW.
Why so much hate? Chill down, they did mean to offend you, they were just trying to justify their own existence.
I'm a hateful person by nature.
So how and who has ruined X-Men for you? X-Men is about teen alienation and angst, always has been, but so far as the
homo superior stuff is concerned, while Magneto is sometimes portrayed as a villain and sometimes as an antihero, it's overwhelmingly clear that the "good" guys are the X-Men, not whichever band of villains Magneto happens to have around him at the time.
Oh aye, and the OP needs to go away and try to grasp the basics of evolution (hint: no direction, no progress, random, unthinking, unplanned); but as a new-user-immediately-posting-a-contentious-thread they have giant red warning lights flashing above their posts anyhoo.
(And not to apologise, but to explain: I wasn't going to post in this thread simply to say that about the OP, but I can't ask about the X-Men without seeming to gloss over that idiocy unless I say something.)
No one has gone missing or died.
The year is still young.