What SSRIs worked/didn't work for you?

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09 Jan 2012, 2:03 pm

Anti-depressants never worked very well for me. Webutrin, SSRI's or others did very little. My depression seemed to respond better to the situation. If things were "moving forward" and I felt I was making progress, I would be less depressed. When I felt stuck, the depression worsened. The more stuck I felt (feel) the worse the depression.

FWIW, I've been taking Adderal recently for executive functioning. It actually seems to help some. I seem to have less distractibility. It doesn't help any with longer range planning issues typical of EF dysfunction. But it's a start.

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09 Jan 2012, 2:06 pm

nemorosa wrote:
Citalopram did nothing for my depression and may actually have made me worse overall. It certainly had some nasty side-effects for me including but not limited to: lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, sexual dysfunction, laughing or sobbing uncontrollably, increased aggression, dizziness and the infamous electric shocks and "brain zaps". Definitely a drug to use, as they say, at your own risk.

You say 'at your own risk' but my doctor didn't mention any side-effects. He claimed it was some kind of wonder drug and that coming off it would be fine! I have never trusted a psychiatrist since!

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09 Jan 2012, 2:30 pm

The SSRIs all "worked" at first, then they all failed eventually, despite upped dosages.

The tricyclics were awful (they didn't have SSRIs when I was first put on meds) - trazodone blunted my every emotion and mood, and elavil gave me diarrhea so bad I couldn't leave home.

All in all - no more medication for me, though people on here have some good points about it being able to help lift you to a place where you can look at your thoughts more objectively.


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09 Jan 2012, 6:37 pm

Ten years ago I was given a six month dose of Lustral [Sertraline] it turned me manic.

That was the only time I have taken SSRIs under medical supervision.

I trust just St. John's Wort now. 8O


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09 Jan 2012, 9:14 pm

Zoloft worked okay for me. I was on 200 mg/day for 8 months and my depression became a lot less severe for years. It didn't come back until I lost a job.


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31 Oct 2016, 8:44 am

None of them worked for me. What would have helped me the most was if my mother could have accepted me for who I was and stop insisting on me being normal and be okay with my obsessions instead of trying to take them away from me all the time until the point I would have a meltdown and then she would punish me for the meltdown. She was convinced meds were the answer but none of them worked. My mother was emotionally abusive (but will never admit to it and counter claims I emotionally abused her) and wanted me diagnosed with borderline personality disorder or bipolar instead of admitting the possibly that her actions caused me to act the way I did. I've been on my own for three years and have never had a meltdown since I moved out.

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31 Oct 2016, 11:00 am

fraac wrote:
Is there a way of knowing in advance?

If they put me on a Anti-Depressants I tell them not to and stop taking it. I don't care if it works. I'd rather be anxious than be empty and emotionless. That's at least what it does for me. Once, I took some valium, that triggered an episode of mania. My Experiences with Anti-Depressants, Have been depressing. :lol:

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31 Oct 2016, 11:23 am

You really don't know until you test drive them.

Prozac and Zoloft seemed to help, but the sexual side affects made it not worth it.

Currently on Wellbutrin. I SLOWLY moved the dose up, otherwise it gave me panic attacks. Too much too soon which most shrinks like to do.

For the suicidal peace out b*****s depression, the only thing that saved me was Parnate. Nardil didn't work as well. They are MAOIs.

My Aspie husband has a horrible time with SSRIs. They make him aggressive. He hasn't found one that will work on his chronic depression.


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31 Oct 2016, 10:44 pm

Zoloft seems to work well for me. On Paxil, I couldn't focus and it completely shut me down sexually. On Desipramine, I didn't notice any effect at the time.

None of these eliminate my anxiety, but the Zoloft helps with some PTSD issues.


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01 Nov 2016, 1:44 am

The only antidepressant I tried was Paxil, and it caused more problems than it was designed to help as it made me aggressive and my sex drive was completely shut off, which was unacceptable to me.


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01 Nov 2016, 3:56 am

I was put on Celexa for GAD.

At first it made my anxiety worse and increased stimming, especially rocking.

Then after awhile my GAD was significantly reduced.

But later on I started developing disinhibition which made me aggressive and reckless.


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01 Nov 2016, 9:21 am

I was given this kind of stuff for OCD mostly. I can't take SSRI's. I tried prozac, celexa, lexapro, and maybe zoloft but I can't remember if I actually took it or refused to. They make me nutty. They all make me mean, some give me violent rage, and one made me feel like my head was trying to float off my body. Mostly I just get so spaced out that I cannot recall jack and s***. I got lost on my walk to the corner store once... it's five blocks away. Not good.

Next I was given effexor (ssnri) for the OCD and it made me so dizzy I was crawling around the floor because I couldn't walk. Then they tried anafranil (tricyclic) for it and it made me look seven months pregnant and they finally pulled me off it when I could not tolerate the feeling of invisible mites crawling through my eyelashes. I'm kinda med intolerant.

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01 Nov 2016, 7:55 pm

some Antidepressant made me rid of not just anxiety, but all emotion. :lol:

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04 Nov 2016, 7:26 am

My experiences on the following antidepressants (not just SSRI's):

Sertraline - Basically turned me into an insomniac rage monster, it also caused me to feel faint whenever I stood up which lead to me falling head first into a door frame and acquiring a nice eyebrow scar.

Citalopram - No change in mood, basically killed any sex drive I had.

Duloxetine - At first it caused insomnia so I started taking it in the morning, after a month or so it just made me feel even more depressed and anxious.

Mirtazipine - No change in mood, all I did was sleep or eat while I was taking it and when I slept I had the most vivid/horrific nightmares.

Trazodone - Better than Mirtazipine in that it helped with sleep without making me want to sleep all day, I did feel hungover for several hours in the morning though and it really screwed with my memory at higher doses.

Amitriptyline - Refused to take it after the first time because it caused what felt like prickly heat rash all over my body which drove me insane, decided I wasn't putting up with that for however many weeks it may have taken to go away.

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