I have a facebook account but I all but stopped using it for the last 2-3 years, mostly because the content there had become incredibly stupid and uninteresting. The few really interesting posts that made it to my news feed were drowned in an endless flow of useless gossip, advertising, people bragging about their holidays, party photos and internet memes. Now I have drastically cleaned up my news feed by unfollowing many people with uninteresting activity, getting rid of the most intrusive commercial pages, and using that incredibly useful extension, and I find facebook pleasant and interesting to use again. I don't communicate with so many people but I can get interesting inputs by following them and I regularly share things I deem interesting or important and on whom I would like to get some comments.
Basically, I find typical Facebook activity very alike to typical NT "communication" : an important part of it is just making noises, exchanging social signals and playing elaborate power and manipulation games, and it is a struggle to have a real intelligent communication in the middle of that. But the difference is that with a bit of effort, you can tweak Facebook to make it more interesting and drastically improve the signal to noise ratio.
About other networks :
- Google + : I love the look and feel and the way it works much more than Facebook. Unfortunately nobody uses it except a few of my most geeky contacts.
- Twitter : I never really understood how communication works there. The signal to noise ratio seems quite high and I am possibly missing something here, but it looks like that place has its own social norms and implicit codes and I've not tried to learn them yet. I also have the unpleasant impression that Twitter is a permanent contest for fame (with everyone wanting to have as many followers as possible) and that the people who achieve prominence are often pompous, vain and full of themselves.
- This is not (only) a social network but one thing I am really in love with those days is Quora. It is basically a questions/answers web site a bit like Yahoo Answers, but the regulation mechanisms work surprisingly well, some people there are real experts in their fields, and you can end up learning a surprising amount of knowledge about almost anything just by following the right topics and persons. You can also contribute and feel your contribution is really appreciated by other members. I really recommend you to have a look at it if you don't know.
A bit obsessed with vocabulary, semantics and using the right words. Sorry if it is a concern. It's the way I think, I am not hair-splitting or attacking you.