Janissy wrote:
As an NT who posts here regularly, I freely admit to not understanding autistic people. Nevertheless, I don't think that perfect mutual understanding is necessary for communication. I have traveled in several countries where I don't speak the language and still managed to communicate with people using gestures and a phrasebook, and they communicated with me in the same way. So that's why I don't think absolute understanding is mandatory. Many of the perspectives people share here are alien to me, just as mine is alien to them. But that didn't stop people from understanding my posts or me from understanding theirs. So I hope guinepigged stays on and doesn't give up because of a lack of shared perspective.
I agree that perfection is not always required. "Good enough" is all that's necessary. I have the problem in that I frequently miss "good enough." I have a better track record with writing.
The vent posts don't bother me. I'd be venting too if every day was filled with miscommunications and aggravations. I only get annoyed at the occasional assertions that NT people are incapable of rational thought, since I think I do that style of thinking quite well. But those are just occasional.
I do think it is way too much to say NTs are incapable of rational thought. There's a comprehension gap and we don't quite do logic in the same way, but I am more interested in understanding why your logic on a particular matter is different from mine than simply assuming you're wrong because your conclusions don't agree with mine. As an example.