dianthus wrote:
infinitenull wrote:
People think I am joking when I say very direct things all the time. They think it makes me bold or something.
I get that a lot too. It doesn't give me the impression they are listening though, it makes me think they are not paying attention, like their minds are going off on a silly tangent unrelated to the discussion. It makes me feel impatient, like when will they stop laughing so we can get on with things?
I think for someone on the spectrum this would be true... a funny joke could be distracting, it could cause the mind to go off on a tangent...
NTs probably learn better when something is funny, it wouldn't distract them as much
Very high systematizing, low empathy, but moderate to high sympathy.
I do not experience cognitive dissonance reduction the way that other people do.
Professionally diagnosed in March 2018