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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Jan 2012, 12:43 pm

so it goes like this if i drink
i litterally flew across the world went solo into 100000 people at a music festival in denmark where i speak no danish and knew no one. walked out of that week of drinking with me about 30 new friends (not speaking danish ment i could sit on the out side and get to know them one on one when they spoke with me)

new years i went out to the best rave club in amsterdam i could find drank more vodka redbull than should have been legal had a great time but never got within 2 meters of another person except when moving between areas

denmark the worst that happened is i made an idiot of myself and passed out in the grass to wonder off later
amsterdam ment dealing with busses and trains and all that crap after

so anxiety can still beat any amount of alchol


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28 Jan 2012, 1:20 pm


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28 Jan 2012, 2:27 pm

MaybeHisIsBroken :D


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28 Jan 2012, 2:42 pm

Hmm, yes. Well, Canabis is illegal here in the US, MOSTLY. So..
A drink, or two can help reduce my social anxiety. And in a club, it also reduces my sensitivity to all the stimuli, which usually crash down on me as soon as I enter..
Too much, and I just turn into a klutz again.
If anyone ever wants to dance with me, though.. A drink (mixed, I HATE beer with a passion) will be required.



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28 Jan 2012, 3:03 pm

gyaspie wrote:
but please do not reply if you are not an aspie.

What about aspergarians who have had a drink and it does help them and as a result are currently NT... may they reply?

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28 Jan 2012, 3:11 pm

A bit of alcohol (less than a can) makes me hyper and makes me stop caring about what other people thinks, but I don't like it's taste so I don't drink. I can get the same effect if I drink a lot of coke. I remember me taking a microphone at a party and telling a joke about ducks, no one laughed and when all were looking at me I remembered that I was shy :lol:


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28 Jan 2012, 3:19 pm

It'll remove some anxiety; it's a very mild sedative after all. It can also dull your sensory sensitivities a little.

It won't do anything for the underlying social dysfunction one has, as others have said; said dysfunction isn't mediated by anxiety.


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28 Jan 2012, 6:33 pm

Oh gosh, I don't think alcohol reduces autism symptoms whatsoever! I think alcohol makes everyone more confident, which can seem to us to be like a reduction of symptoms.

I know I used to think alcohol made me "more neurotypical," but really it makes me act way more autistic. I just am so confident and verbal that I don't care. I stim more, stop paying attention to my face and body position, and monologue like no tomorrow. But I'm not shy anymore! And personally, being shy has nothing to do with my autism (physically), and everything to do with the anxiety side of the autism.

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28 Jan 2012, 6:40 pm

Who_Am_I wrote:
No, it lessens social anxiety.
Which means you're still a complete dumbf*ck socially, you just aren't as worried about it, which will probably lead to more dumbf*ckery.

This is about right.

I don't drink. I did as a student, because it was the Done Thing, but I didn't enjoy it. I hate the taste of beer and wine. I tried a number of spirits, but they were expensive, and I don't like getting drunk as I don't like losing control. I don't always have a lot of that anyway and I'd like to hold onto what I have!


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28 Jan 2012, 7:46 pm

I act more confident and talk louder, but I'm just as socially awkward - if not worse. I've never liked most alcohol. :? Can never think clearly and always feel stupid the next day. The only alcohol I ever liked was single malt scotch, and there's no way I could drink that stuff often... yikes, it's expensive.


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28 Jan 2012, 8:03 pm

Back in the day, I felt really eloquent and witty when I had a few drinks. And then I had a few more. The next day, my "friends" told me that I had talked a lot of nonsense, and at some point stood on the billard table trying to lick the lamp shade. Very eloquent and witty indeed.


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28 Jan 2012, 8:30 pm

gyaspie wrote:
i feel that after consuming a can of strong beer, i am able to behave more like an NT person. i act more confidently and talk louder. any other aspies feel the same way? please share :D but please do not reply if you are not an aspie.

another thing.. does black and white thinking of aspies result in jumping to conclusions or developing own set of rules easily ?

thank you
siey siey ni
terima kasih

No. It eases your nerves. You still end up as aspie as ever but are not bothered by it.

For that second part, yes it does.

Dillogic wrote:
It'll remove some anxiety; it's a very mild sedative after all. It can also dull your sensory sensitivities a little.

It won't do anything for the underlying social dysfunction one has, as others have said; said dysfunction isn't mediated by anxiety.

Does the opposite for me.

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31 Jan 2012, 8:37 am

It makes it easier for me to come out of my shell and talk to people, but it also makes it easier for me to say the wrong thing and embarrass myself- so it's a catch-22 for me. That's why I tend to just drink at home.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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31 Jan 2012, 2:45 pm

I guess I have been lucky while drinking, most of the time it simply allowed me to open up and interact with people and have a good time. I don't drink much anymore, and when I do I regulate how much I drink severely. With 3-4 drinks in one to 2 hour increments puts me in a place where my friends say I showcase the "gift of gab," a label that is rarely applied to me unless I am speaking about one of my obsessions along with more vocal expression. Overall it helped me build some lasting friendships and made romantic interests easier to approach.



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31 Jan 2012, 2:55 pm

Ames76 wrote:
It makes it easier for me to come out of my shell and talk to people, but it also makes it easier for me to say the wrong thing and embarrass myself- so it's a catch-22 for me. That's why I tend to just drink at home.

Me too, problem I have is not being unable to stop once I've started. I'm not a daily drinker, but once I start i have trouble pacing myself.

The only other problem with alcohol as an anxiety reduction tool, is over time you adjust to it (like any drug) and its no longer as effective.


Blue Jay
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31 Jan 2012, 3:30 pm

Drinking does help me open up...maybe a bit too much. I've been told that I make an ass of myself, but funny at the same time. I've also been told I'm a perv.

I guess on the plus side I have no recollection of when I get drunk.