glasstoria wrote:
Yes, it has been suggested to me. My ex husband said he thought that because of the way I moved and gestured when I spoke. Once I went to my best friend's house party and her sister who had just met me thought I was on ecstacy because of how big my eyes were and how I acted, because I was overwhelmed by the amount of people and just because of how I am. It doesnt help if you are caught playing with toys or looking at shiny lights or your hands because those things are comforting or relieve my anxiety or are entertaining.
LOL oh no...I've been accused of being on ecstasy once, but it was a friend's mom and my friend actually had done it in the past at home, so I guess she was wary.
I am often still this way, certainly not to a degree that would make most people think I was legitimately on drugs, and not weed at all, I'm pretty hyperactive, but I am never truly without some kind of weird affect.
People think it's odd at first but when they realize I'm always that way they don't care.