northbrbrain wrote:
Have people or situations just blown up in your face due to a lack of allies and overall support? For example, ONE person doesn't like you and then they badmouth you to everyone else, causing you to be shunned (this happened to me in high school).....And, because of the social skills deficits that being on the Autism spectrum brings, you have zero friends or allies to buffer the situation.
Yes, when I was an early teenager, this happened to me nearly simultaneously at home and school. I was picked on by a few, and then everybody decided that I was someone to avoid. At church, they didn't quite do the same thing, but there was a feeling that I should be left out of any social activities. This was something that always puzzled me. Why did exactly the same thing happen to me in different places? What did I do? What did I fail to do?
It was like there was a memo that was passed around, that everybody got except for me.
"Like lonely ghosts, at a roadside cross, we stay, because we don't know where else to go." -- Orenda Fink