Have you ever been excluded, banned or blacklisted?

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13 Feb 2012, 9:30 am

Yeah, I can be the nicest, sweetest person to other people, and yet when some twat comes along and badmouths me, they get believed.

It happened to me in school. A girl was going around telling everyone that I called my best friend a slapper, which turned all my friends, including my best friend, against me - even though they've known me a lot longer that this stupid nasty girl, and they all know that I never once used the word ''slapper'', and I didn't even know what a slapper was, I just knew it was some sort of insult.



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13 Feb 2012, 9:36 am

northbrbrain wrote:
Have people or situations just blown up in your face due to a lack of allies and overall support? For example, ONE person doesn't like you and then they badmouth you to everyone else, causing you to be shunned (this happened to me in high school).....And, because of the social skills deficits that being on the Autism spectrum brings, you have zero friends or allies to buffer the situation.

Yes, when I was an early teenager, this happened to me nearly simultaneously at home and school. I was picked on by a few, and then everybody decided that I was someone to avoid. At church, they didn't quite do the same thing, but there was a feeling that I should be left out of any social activities. This was something that always puzzled me. Why did exactly the same thing happen to me in different places? What did I do? What did I fail to do?

It was like there was a memo that was passed around, that everybody got except for me.

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13 Feb 2012, 8:26 pm

Not since high school.

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Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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13 Feb 2012, 9:24 pm

This has happened to me a few times. The really disgusting thing is that people try to use the fact that you have been scapegoated as proof that you deserve scapegoating--"Well, if everyone is against you, it must be your fault." No, it just means that most NT's love and admire charismatic manipulators. You can't make them see the truth because they treasure the rose-colored glasses they wear to look at the liars. At this point, I think something like 90% of all groups are cults, not in the religious sense but cults of personality with one or more bright and shining master manipulators at their center.


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13 Feb 2012, 9:34 pm

northbrbrain wrote:
Have people or situations just blown up in your face due to a lack of allies and overall support? For example, ONE person doesn't like you and then they badmouth you to everyone else, causing you to be shunned (this happened to me in high school).....And, because of the social skills deficits that being on the Autism spectrum brings, you have zero friends or allies to buffer the situation.

OH YES!! !


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13 Feb 2012, 11:16 pm

Yes, it has happened multiple times. I would bet it has happened more times than I'm even aware of. It took me a long time to figure out that people actually do that sort of thing. One time I got banned from a forum, and lost contact with the other people there. A few years later I found out the forum admin had actually told everyone else to stay away from me. So I bet there are other situations like that, that I don't even know about.


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14 Feb 2012, 11:20 am

Early elementary a girl I was friends with had a birthday sleepover and invited a couple of mutual friends, but didn't invite me. One of the friends that was invited told me it was because the b-day girl said I had peed the bed during one of my sleepovers with her, which was a lie, and I never did find out why she said it and didn't invite me to the party. Everyone invited lived on my street, so all I could do was stand there and watch after the b-day girl rounded everyone up and they all walked past my house to go to the sleepover. I cried and cried, and Mom saw me and asked what was wrong and I told her. It was so long ago, I don't remember what she said or did to get my mind off of it, but eventually stopped thinking about it - it wasn't until years later that I recalled the incident and was floored by the memory of it.

Late elementary I threw a birthday party sleepover and invited a couple good friends and a group of the "cool" chicks. All of the cool chicks showed up and only one friend. I didn't exactly recognize it as bullying (hazing is just another form of bullying, don't kid yourself otherwise) at the time, but I think the cool girls had more fun messing with me during the party than anything else (I discovered the next day that one of my bras ended up in the freezer). The worst part was that my actual friend felt just as much out of place that she basically hid in my bedroom and went to sleep early to avoid feeling awkward around the cool girls. I would have stayed with her, but I had the obligation of playing host and keeping my other guests entertained - I just wasn't aware that I was the night's entertainment. I learned at that time that I never wanted to be "cool" if it meant hurting others.

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21 Feb 2012, 10:53 pm

Thank you all for sharing your experiences, I don't feel so alone


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22 Feb 2012, 12:43 am

northbrbrain wrote:
Have people or situations just blown up in your face due to a lack of allies and overall support? For example, ONE person doesn't like you and then they badmouth you to everyone else, causing you to be shunned (this happened to me in high school).....And, because of the social skills deficits that being on the Autism spectrum brings, you have zero friends or allies to buffer the situation.

All the time - in the civilian world. It hasn't happened while I've been in uniform whether I was an E1 Airman Basic or a Major. I guess the military is a little more understanding.


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22 Feb 2012, 1:10 am

the worst year of my life was probably Grade 8/8th grade/Year 9.

i had one friend a year below me (my mom babysat her when she was little so we were friends by default) and one friend a year above me (my next-door neighbour). the girls in my level all shunned me. they whispered as i walked by and they were rich so they made fun of the clothing my mother sewed for me. even the english and science teachers would laugh along when they saw the girls making fun of me. i was called "weird", "eccentric", "creepy", "annoying", "crazy".

the younger friend was annoyed that i kept hanging around her locker and clinging to her so she started avoiding me and getting irritated with me. the older friend became evasive about making plans with me, or she would pull a no-show when we were supposed to meet.

so i started to hang out with the boys. i liked playing sports and such, but of course i was no good at any of it, and that eventually made me a target with them too. i'd get the rules mixed up (even though i studied at home) and they would tell me to do something stupid just so they could laugh at me. or if we played tag i was always "it" and they could all run faster than me. one boy got a bit of a crush on me but his friends laughed at him for liking me so he treated me badly after that.

but still, i persevered... until one day i went to go hang out with the boys after school and they all ran away from me. so i ran towards them and they all ran away again. and again. then i went home and cried. i didn't try to play with them again.

i started to fantasize about causing violent harm to myself. on one occasion i told my older friend about it (when she found time for me), and she asked why i would want to do that. i said, "i want my outside self to reflect my feelings on the inside."

i finally had an outburst at school (punching lockers and screaming and such), and one caring teacher took me aside. he would not let me go until i told him all the stuff that was going on. he got a couple of the bullies in trouble, and arrangements were made for me to transfer schools the next year. things changed for me after that, to some degree.

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22 Feb 2012, 2:23 am

More times than I care to discuss.

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22 Feb 2012, 3:13 am

Pretty much daily in high school after year 8.

The people at my school weren't very nice. Of course it wasn't just me, anyone who didn't fit was bullied; I was a good target though due to not being able to respond verbally.


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22 Feb 2012, 3:45 am

I'm really glad to have come across this thread. Thank you all for sharing. I'm not able to share in detail right now, but yes, and many times.

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22 Feb 2012, 9:02 am

Two of my friends have "officially" broken contact.
One wrote a long letter and s**t, to which I responded that we're not married.
The other one had been my very good friend from 15 to 40 and simply stopped answering calls and stayed away.
I had to ask his other friends for an explanation, which had something to do with my behaviour on a drunken evening. Half my being an ass and his issues growing up with alcoholic parents. Either way, I miss the second one. The first one can take his "lack of emotional support" elsewhere.

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22 Feb 2012, 9:18 am

Yes. Even excommunicated because of a naive question.

Bullying is the #1 Aspie handicap. Ppl sense a difference. I call it AssPurgers because it reveals so quickly and plainly who is an a$$hole, which is just about everyone.

I was not diagnosed until late in life. I had no idea why I got such flak from ppl. It is a relief knowing it is simply different neurological wiring. Ppl are cruel, mean, nasty, and have no respect for or even grasp of the truth.


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22 Feb 2012, 11:23 am

Yes, most of them are. It's sad.


Supporter of the Brian Terry Foundation @ www.honorbrianterry.com. Special Agent Brian Terry (1970-2010) was murdered as a direct result of Operation Fast & Furious - which Barry O won't discuss - wonder why?