Sensory issues with bathrooms
When I was a kid I would only use the toilets at home(I particularly like the one near the kitchen because it had this prickly effect on the wall that I liked to touch), I hated using any other toilets even at relatives homes if we were just visiting I would hold it in until we got home. As a teen when I got my first few jobs I hated using the toilets at work so I would hold it until I got home.
I'm not so bad now because I've had to go to public bathrooms with my daughter so I've become more used to them. If it smells bad I feel like I'm choking and can't breathe so have to be as fast as possible and don't breathe through my nose. Same if they've just been cleaned with those harsh chemicals. I try not to touch anything, years ago I used to lay paper down all over the seat but having a young child who is desperate means I have to give it a quick wipe instead. I don't like the feeling of the air on my hands from the dryers it hurts slightly, my daughter hates the noise so if it's just us in there we go back into the cubicle and use tissue to dry our hands.
This is bat country!
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